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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Well We Know You Got Laid Off But Now We Want You Back For A Lot Less Money

While PRMC laid off a ton of people in recent months, they screwed up, or did they?

Considering there is currently only one nurse for every eight patients, PRMC is now reaching out to hire 91 NEW NURSES.

Some have said they got rid of their higher paid RN's to make room for lesser paid replacements. Others are simply gratified that new positions have become available. 

Whatever the case may be, if you are in need of a job, if you are a Registered Nurse, you may pick up a fairly decent job at PRMC until they can take even more advantage of a crushed economy and hire people for even less, again.

Oh, and if you know what's good for you. Once you are hired you'll be required/mandated to purchase all of your prescriptions from their internal pharmacy within the Hospital, hurting even more of the local businesses. Millions more dollars going TAX FREE in Salisbury.   


  1. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, I don't effin' think so.

  2. Smart... Take $0 and sit at home then

  3. PRMC= "POORLY RUN MEDICAL CENTER"March 8, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Joe, once again you and the blog are on top of local news. Due to layoffs and downsizing (not upper management) the hospital is now forced to pay double time and special premium pay to try and staff the floors. But even with this the hospital is forced to close many beds as there is no staffing. Up to 15 patients have been forced to "bunk" in the ER because there is no staff on the floors to open the beds. In some instances nurses have been forced to take a 12 patient to 1 nurse ratio .and where is Naleppa and her band of gangsters? Certainly not putting on a set of scrubs and taking a block of patients. They are out getting some other useless award or accolade for mismanagement.

    1. Actually I've seen some in scrubs

    2. You see them scrubs get down to the 're business if patient care.
      Whoever you are- just because they wore scrubs.- doesn't mean squat.
      you drink a loMarcht of kook aid 10:49?

  4. In the bury, pharmacies are like Starbucks. Walgreens across from Rite Aid across from Giant. Soon, they'll have pharmacies inside pharmacies.

  5. Will speaking English be a requirement

  6. Lpn were laid off but RNs were offered positions in other areas of the hospital. Those who didn't want to take those positions left and give severance package.

  7. They haven't changed since 1979 when I left!!! They have just gotten worse and care only about apppearance!!! Take your wonderful talents elsewhere !!!

  8. The nurse to patient ratio in many of PRMC departments is against the law. I know cuz I work there, but have not reported it because I was told to shut up, and mind my own business. There are nurses that are forced to double up on patients in the Cardio unit, and they are so understaffed, they are constantly being called in for additional shifts.

    1. It is not "against the law"... good god. However, JAMA and the AACN clearly recognize that higher nurse to patient ratios in critical care lead to higher mortality and morbidity rates.

      Not... "against the law". Just going against good sense.

  9. Fortunes will be made using Obamacare as an excuse to do these things.In the case of PRMC the 2 coincided,Obamacare coming along at the most opportune time.

  10. I know someone who works there part-time. They are always asking her to come in and work for double pay because they are so short-handed.

  11. 12 to 1 where oh where is the JCAHO (hospital inspectors) when the patients need them! I KNOW for a fact they hide things & guide the inspectors in the direction PRMC wants them to see!Then there are the Md inspectors...and MOSHA.(thats MDs OSHA regs) .. so the only way for future patients to get good care IS FOR EVERYONE REPORT THEM TO THE ABOVE INSPECTORS AND LEGISLATORS! And where are the shore legislatorss? No body seems to care anymore, until it is their family member who needs care! IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! The reallly sad sad thing is if someone with some power.and money doesn't buy them out it is only going to get worse. AGH needs to buy them,,,and replace every manager there top to bottom and start with some people with morals..

  12. Lay people off, pay others double to come in and work - what kind of management is that? They should have started at the very top, got rid of her, then worked down from there. The people that actually "work" are always the ones that get shafted.

  13. there are entities out there that bring I nurses from turd world countries to work here in amerika! These nurses of course are willing to work for less money so everyone gets screwed except of course the top dogs at the entities where they are employed!

  14. I'm sure they found out that the nurses aids or cleaning people couldn't do the job of a nurse.

  15. THE SHINNING STAR HEART CENTER! Well hope your heart holds out because the newest room in the--cardiac cath/ep units was closed and now used for storage! They are so understaffed.that doctors are helping get patients ready! I like the doctors helping but when have you heard that before! For the nurse who was told to keep his/her mouth shut everyone of us who cares about the future of care in this area need to support her CALL WRITE anyone and everyone, board of directors, Your doctor, pharmacist, heads of banks, your personal drs and tell them we DEMAND THIS nonsense STOPS! INSTEAD OF attempting to revive downtown...get the college to take on developing a REAL PLAN to ensure nepotism doesn't creep in. Or better yet get all of the area colleges to participate and each team present their findings and plans in an OPEN TOWN meeting Immediately after then PRMC should take the floor andThe Drs need to help if they want to keep making the big bucks before we all head to AGH.

  16. The shore's colleges all have medical training programs of all kinds. Each college should take on the project of changing the way PRMC is being run. Then each college should present their proposals in a "town meeting" after their presentations "PRMC from the directors ceos cfos etc should address the plans. After which questions should be solicited from those ie US attending! A much better project than trying to reinvent downtown!

  17. There are a few of the nurses that are talking about joining a union. Service employees international union, SEIU, Annette has been trying to get us all on board, but we are scared, if they find out they will fire us too!

    1. Last time we tried to unionize- most of us damn near lost our jobs. I have a mortgage to pay and 3 kids to feed. And while one powerful voice would be better than my squeaky one... i have got to keep my family afloat.

  18. It is clear that few people posting here have ever run a company or business. Paying a current employee double pay to fill in shifts is cheaper than hiring an additional employee because you are not paying for additional insurance costs, hiring/training costs and unemployment/Fica taxes. If y'all is so smart, why aren't you CEO/CFO/Pres./VP of a multi million dollar business?

  19. Peggy Nappyhead or what ever her name is should be the first to go. She isn't qualified to run a staff of bathroom custodians. Get rid of that idiot before she kills anymore patients. Count how many patients who have died since Ms. Nappyhead started the downsizing.

  20. Part of the problem was PRMC was paying these Rent-a-Nurses over $100/hr and the real dedicated nurses were getting $15/hr.

    1. There haven't been travelers (nurses) there in years... until now.

  21. If you think things are bad now, just bring a union in and see how fast the employees get raped by both the company and the union. Union dues buys no shoes!

  22. Anonymous said...
    It is clear that few people posting here have ever run a company or business. Paying a current employee double pay to fill in shifts is cheaper than hiring an additional employee because you are not paying for additional insurance costs, hiring/training costs and unemployment/Fica taxes. If y'all is so smart, why aren't you CEO/CFO/Pres./VP of a multi million dollar business?

    March 8, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    Ok I am not a mathematician, but let's think about this.

    You pay a nurse making $25/hr to come in and make double time. So that now that nurse will be making $50/hr.

    That same nurse might be working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks so that would be about 2,080 hours per year. Now at 2,080 hours at $25 per hour is $52,000 per year. Now paying double time for that same position would cost $104,000 per year. So you are telling me that hiring a full time nurse @ $52,000 a year is going to cost PRMC $52,000 per year in benefits?? I don't think so!!

    Please go take your fuzzy math somewhere else!!

  23. There is talk of a union and cath lab nurses are leading the way.

  24. 11:02 you are an idiot but thanks for throwing "Annette" (whoever that is) under the bus to cover your ass.
    You should be the first one fired.

  25. PRMC will get what they want. There are desperate people out there that will work more hours and work harder for less pay without benefits. It's called, "servitude wages'. There are people in other countries who work for American company and make 50 cents an hour. These companies even set up boot camp environment for their workers. Look out young Americans. This is Coming to America, soon.

  26. this means of hiring & firing is standard practice. our local gov'mints have been doing it for a long time. hire them back, fewer hours, no bennys, etc. I know!

  27. 9:24: no one has to work in this hospital. there are enough close enough.

    1. This WAS so... but most of those positions are filled. Find a nursing job out there now- reasonably close to home with a decent wage. Some nurses have had to get creative and go over the bay. Their family time is skewed, but ingress you do what you gotta do.

  28. go ahead, call me in for double pay.

    1. And even that- gets exhausting. Sounds great, but most were worn to the bone before double pay.

  29. I can tell you one thing... none of the doctors are going to go to AGH... that CEO is a real jerk(and that is putting it mildly)...

  30. Anonymous said...
    There are a few of the nurses that are talking about joining a union. Service employees international union, SEIU, Annette has been trying to get us all on board, but we are scared, if they find out they will fire us too!

    March 8, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    Sneaky way to get Annette in trouble, Right!

  31. Anonymous said...
    PRMC will get what they want. There are desperate people out there that will work more hours and work harder for less pay without benefits. It's called, "servitude wages'. There are people in other countries who work for American company and make 50 cents an hour. These companies even set up boot camp environment for their workers. Look out young Americans. This is Coming to America, soon.

    March 8, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    This is true. Have you seen the Hunger Games. If you haven't I encourage you to get the movies and watch them. Then think about this being the future of America. It is going to happen, how do you thing the author of those books came up with the idea.

  32. Will they hire back the X chief of Security??? that guy was there forever.

  33. I didn't think that you would let that last one pass.I guess so much for the freedom of speech that you right wing assholes claim to be all for.Maybe your more liberal then we all thought welcome to our side

  34. Why don't you take your " talent" somewhere else and leave this town alone!It is clear that you have no love for it so just go already and pick on someone else's for awhile please I'm begging

  35. I think the plan for Walgreen's and CVS is to put all the small pharmacies out of business.

  36. Recent experience in Prmc - incompetent young recent nursing graduates who act like giddy teenagers, seem to be unsupervised by senior nurses - are there any supervisors? - patient and family knew more than they did...there is no doubt that patients are suffering from lack of competent staff...can't find time to do a lot things during day because not enough staff so they are trying to get patients up after 9 p.m. for therapy because to quote them "we are too short staffed during the day". Is that putting patient care first - I don't think so. After being poked and prodded all day and other procedures done, the patients are exhausted and because of the medical center's screwed up management decisions, let's drag the patients out of bed at night for therapy when they need their sleep because that is when it suits us.

    It is an embarrassment to all of those who donate and have donated to make PrMC what it has become - a poor excuse for health care. Can't wait for U of MD to build in Easton - so long prmc.

  37. You people forget something very important.
    "There is no democracy in the workplace", they can do what they want as long as it is safe and lawful.
    Study your business law!

  38. Can anybody say "Obamacare". Remember PRMC is non profit. Give me a break!

    1. Since when is prmc not for profit? It isn't a private hospital- but you can bet the farm it IS for profit.

  39. Most Union dues are just 1 hours pay a month. If you make $25 per hour than that is what you pay.
    Does anyone think PRMC would be treating any employee like they currently do, if they had a union backing them up? No, of course not, they would have to treat the employees as humans, not servants or slaves! Unions came about because of bad management and company owners!

  40. I be an edumatcaed from here that here that knows everything about running a business and the folks running the place now don't know nothing. I can make the hospital make a profit. We start by gettin rid of anyone that has a degree or education then hire people that have more teeth than their IQ score. Then we we use folk lore remedies to cure all kinds of ailments including aids and liberalism.

  41. FYI signing a union card protects you. They cannot fire you then


  42. Hey... 8:19pm

    It's obvious that you are NOT educated and it's a good thing you are not working at the hospital... that includes a Janitor pushing a broom. You better get some EDUCATION before commenting on anything on any website.

  43. Hey 11:34 , its call humorous sarcasm. Get a grip

  44. Instead of folklore remedies, you could just use the Hick's Picks (Healthcare Comon Procedure Coding System) on the from heres

  45. Sounds like what Perdue is doing with their IT staff.

    They laid off a bunch a couple of years ago and are replacing them with contractors...for less money!

  46. "Hey 11:34 , its call humorous sarcasm." You do understand that 'humorous' implies that there is something remotely funny about your post? Not the case.

  47. "FYI signing a union card protects you. They cannot fire you then"

    You sure about that????

  48. We beat you all at the Alamo and we are doing it againMarch 9, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    Hey Gringo,

    I can get a job at PRMC now and raise my Mexican Flag +ALSO get Government Assistance....

  49. 9:58
    I bet a union rep. or supporter told you that! Not true. You cannot be fired for signing a union card but you can still be fired for any other reason.

  50. You Cath Lab nurses have an inflated sense of self. Nobody is going to follow a bunch of crybaby lists like yourself. You guys have zero backbone. I mean, You let a doctor harm over 20 patients and didn't day a word. Follow you? LOL

  51. All the Cardio and Cath lab nurses are crybaby's! They make big money, get called in all the time for overtime, making double pay and still want more. Yet when a doctor harms patients, they just turn their heads, not one had gut enough to stand up and do the right thing! These same crybaby's want us to join them in a Union, ha!, If someone has to get fired they will toss us under the bus!

  52. Don't think this will last much longer The plan - PRMC will hire new Wor-Wic grads who sign a 5 yr contract to work for lower wages and part time hours.

  53. First of all they do not know who signs the cards! And they have to have good reason to fire you after you sign. I know because I was involved in the union the last time when we lost by 6 votes. And I worked there for 30 years before retiring and there are some that are still there that signed and voted for it. If you think joining a union is bad....take a look at what you got now! I would advise anyone who works at that hell hole to get representation or don't complain about how they treat you or how much you make. Also their motto is let us help you out the door!I worked there when it was really a family and everyone worked together thank God! But when it got unbearable I left.

  54. A lot of us come from other countries but do quality work. Many of us working at PRMC have come here from S. America. Our pay is much better here. We contribute to the economy and are capable of doing great work.

    We can do the work of several young Americans and the Hospital knows this fact. We simply out-work Americans. We are valuable.

  55. Lauren Hughes Carmean is one of the new big shot bosses over there now. Sh will clean everything up.

  56. Just talked to A.K. and the Union thing is going ahead full steam! She has gotten 9 nurses to sign up with her. Let PRMC try and fire us now!

  57. Let's keep this going throughout the hospital. The laboratory is waiting to sign up.

  58. Lab people need to see Annette in Cardio to sign up.

  59. Getting called in all the time and having to work the next day is dangerous. Also, being called in all the time and having to be away from our families is a sacrifice we make because we like what we do. Sure hope you don't ever need our services.

  60. 3/8 @10:52. The lab with the oldest x-ray equipment is now being used for storage, not the newest lab. Thanks for your input.

  61. The sign ups are from ED, 5E,and cath lab - 3 each.....

  62. I have just talked to three rad staff. We are in. How do we find Annette? Time is critical with this so speak now.

  63. Administrators met with certain Directors yesterday to discuss all of the union talk that is on the blog. They are definitely worried!

  64. LIVE BETTER, WORK UNIONMarch 13, 2014 at 5:49 PM



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