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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Welcome Mr. & Mrs. Aflac

Yesterday we received a call from a Salisbury resident who had been raising two ducks on their property. Code & Compliance came to their home and told them they had 24 hours to remove the ducks or they would start fining them.

We were more than happy to take them in and it didn't take long at all before they were enjoying one of four ponds on the property. 

This morning I was walking my Grandson out to the bus when he said, can we call them Mr. & Mrs. Aflac, so it was done. As we were walking to the bus, two wild ducks flew into the pond and started chasing Mrs. Aflac. Mr. Aflac would have nothing of it and chased them away.

Who needs television when the wildlife can keep you entertained.


  1. Maybr if I read this a couple more times it will make sense.Ducks are everywhere.How can anyone permanently get rid of them?

  2. too bad mr. aflac didn't chase that "code and compliance" thug away too!!

  3. Now you need a pet goose to chase away any foxes after Mr and Mrs Aflac. One of my pet geese beat the crap out of a fox. She is usually docile and friendly toward humans. She saw the fox and took off after it, jumping on it's back, wings flapping a mile a minute. Fox was on it's back scrambling to get away. It all happened in a matter of seconds. Fox finally got it's footing and took off limping. One thing you have to remember is that if you do find one of the ducks hurt, do not touch it bare handed in case a rabid fox or raccoon or even cat was the attacker.

  4. Well I'm happy that Mr & Mrs Aflac got a good home.

  5. The city can have ducks and geese crapping all over the neighborhoods near the park/zoo and downtown but a person can't have 2 ducks in their yard? It also seems ok in the Bury to keep and breed pit bulls in your yard too. I bet 2 white ducks never mauled a person!!

  6. not true 2:01!! when i was but a wee laddie, i was nearly nibbled to death by a pair of white ducks named scooter and daisy. 40 years later, i still have quackbacks, uh, i mean flashbacks.

  7. Ducks 4:09? Are you sure it wasn't domestic geese that have cause you to have posttraumatic stress disorder-LOL?

  8. I teach the child who owned these ducks!! He was very down today but said he would be allowed to visit the ducks!! I hope this is true!!


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