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Sunday, March 30, 2014

WBOC Said: It will stick to the grass but not the roads

Last night they acted all proud saying they were using a different "MODEL" this time because it's actually been more accurate than the other MODELS they have been using all year. In fact, they even admitted that the OTHER model said that we'd be getting up to seven inches and then laughed.  

Now when they said, 1 to 3 inches for the ENTIRE region, more of a dusting, how's that new MODEL working for you there guys?

WBOC's Weather Staff have proven over and over again, (hence admitting they needed to go with a different, more accurate model) they can NOT be trusted. It's a guessing game and a gamble and these guys get paid good money. 
After the plows came through.


  1. These clowns are nothing other than phony actor. In order to receive an accurate weather forecast, people need to go to weather.com instead.

  2. I would rather have Baltimore or Philadelphia stations tell us what our weather is going to be in Salisbury than these bunch of goof balls, they are more accurate every time. WBOC just close down and make a bigger station in Dover, that's all you report on anyway, what is going on in Delaware.

  3. Yeah, I missed that boat. Should have dropped out of high school, completed my GED, and because a "meteorologist". ^ figures to just guess. Brilliant.

  4. I seriously doubt any of them get "paid good money" at WBOC. These guys work here cause they aren't good and it's a job! The lying weathermen? or maybe they just aren't any good at doing weather!

  5. Who is in charge of this news station ? That person needs to go.

  6. They change the forecast by the hour.They let too my computers out think themselves.

  7. If you want accurate weather, just visit Delmar Weather on Facebook. That young man has been spot on every snow this year.

  8. geez guys, lighten up! it's just the damn weather! there are bigger things to worry about! and as long as brian keane doesn't say "reinforcing shot" or "cold canadian air", who cares? and like the old song says, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" :)

  9. "Cant Rule It Out"....unbelievable. Might as well throw darts at a dartboard!

  10. If you notice they all try to backtrack and cover their butt cause they aren't good at what they do! Mr Draper you need a new staff! I think about everyone I talk to is watching WMDT now and I think I am on my way there too. See ya WBOC!

  11. I live in Baltimore and only really go by what Justin Berk says. He used to be a weather man for channel 2 but now does it kind of freelance style. Look him up on Facebook. He has been dead on pretty much all season. Look him up and like his page please. Get your local 'Bury news where ever, but do your weather checks with Justin.

  12. Baltimore or Philly Really? Now that's a joke!!!

  13. Just stop watching and you will have one less thing to complain about

  14. I don't watch the local yocal. It is a kindergarten news and weather station. When I changed channels at 6 Pm. Satterfield said "won't be sticking to the roads, just bridges and underpass's" At 7 pm Melson Rd in Delmar what completely covered. I did not see one county truck out today and it took me 45 minutes to get from Delmar to Nanticoke Rd. A co-worker who lives in Hebron said the plow came thru his area in Hebron because his neighbor Matt Holloway lives on that road. Too bad that the rest of us can't get some sand or at the least a show of truck surveying areas that were 7 inches or more. Pittiful. Should of just stayed with WJZ and a loose witted Marty Bass.


  15. Our local weather presents forecasting challenges because of factors that drew us here and keep us here.

    West to East and South to North flow patterns over two big bodies of water and an angled coastline.

    "Models" just use past data to project what similar current data will result in. Thus the uncertainty cuz Ma Nature doesn't always read and follow the script.

    Penn State, U of Michigan and U of North Dakota have well known meteorology programs. PSU spawned AccuWeather and UofM WeatherUnderground websites. Both are of interest and useful.

    Personally use WeatherUnderground the most.

    1. Well dan your comment dosent explain why your forecast are so far off from every other weather person who called it right. Always an excuse from you.time to go. I bet youd do great in a desert or the arctics!

  16. I said it before... that dan has been a thorn in the working mans foot. He is never right and always resorts to using other stations words ... word for word.and last tme we discussed this someone had the nerve to say he is right more than wrong.... . . Why did he leave that nice job of his to come to delmarva? He was nicely forced out for blowing harder than the wind today

  17. My favorite WBOC forecast line has got to be "a possible mixed bag." That pretty much covers it all. Unfortunately the morning news and weather team on WBOC are so unprofessional and act as if they are in elementary school. Making inside jokes to one another and just acting goofy. I had friends visiting from out of state who travel all over the country. When the morning news came on they couldn't stop laughing and said it was the most immature newscast they had ever seen. I was actually embarrassed that I watch it.

  18. I just want to say that WBOC is light years ahead of 47 and my children like WBOC classic.

    So maybe Dan tries to hype the weather a bit in the quest of ratings but I like the guy, and sure the news guy is obviously a far leftie but he's not bad on local stuff.

    Did I say that my kids like WBOC classic?

  19. You will always get an accurate forecast on the web page of Delmar Underground weather.

  20. Joe needs to find someone to start Salisbury Weather

  21. I work at wallops so i need southern weather for bike days...so i stopped watching WBOC long ago..WBOC weather reports are for yankees and im a rebel...(in heart) from NY...EX Navy.. well traveled ..married local..but house is on market cause i can no longer stomach the political climate in MD...grammer Nazis give me a break on cell phone keyboard

  22. Why does everyone think that they have the "right" to know what will happen before it happens. Weather forecasting is a guesstimate at best based on data from radar and satellites. Mother nature can change at a moments notice and change the course of a storm or the track of a cold front both of which affect the amount or lack of snow in a given area. The ES is a unique area due to the the temperature of the Bay and the ocean. Sometimes we get clobbered and other times not.

  23. The problem is computer models. The old timers would look at the sky and observe the actions of wildlife around them and KNOW what the weather would be within the next 24 hours!


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