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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Vigilantes With A Badge: The War Against The American People

“We live in a small rural town. Moved here in 1961. I don’t remember what year the State Troopers moved a headquarters into our town. Our young people were plagued with tickets for even the smallest offense. Troopers had to get their limits for the month. People make jokes about that but it has been true. Every kid I knew was getting ticketed for something. But now it is so much worse. I raised my kids to respect police. If they did something wrong and got caught they deserved it and should take their punishment. But now I have no respect for the police. I feel threatened and fearful of them. They are aggressive and intimidating. They lie and are abusive and we do not know how to fight them. I am not a minority here but people are afraid if they speak out they will be targeted. We are just a small town. I just don’t care anymore if they do target me. I am afraid they are going to kill someone.”—Letter from a 60-year-old grandmother 

The following incidents are cautionary tales for anyone who still thinks that they can defy police officers, even if it’s simply to disagree about a speeding ticket, challenge a search warrant or defend oneself against an unreasonable or unjust charge, without deadly repercussions. The message they send is that “we the people” have very little protection from the standing army that is law enforcement.



  1. Gerald retired Detriot copMarch 1, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    This is all in how the new police officers are now being trained. They are no longer trained, "To protect and serve", the public, they are now trained to be "Soldiers", on the front lines of the city streets. Why soldiers?, because we have had presidents since Nixon, saying that we are at WAR ! A war on drugs, a war on prostitution, a war on illegal guns, a war on crime. This being told to the new recruits, they therefore want the toys of soldiers, tanks, machine guns, grenades, armor vests, even camo.
    Then you also have the leaders, that don't give a dam about folks rights, or the constitution, they claim, "The end justifies the means".
    When a right is trampled on of a suspect, but he gets arrested anyway, the public cheers, but then this becomes the normal operating procedure of the department, and as long as it is not you loosing your rights, so what? It is not your kid that got arrested.
    This slow eroding of doing police work by the laws and constitution, is troublesome, so we just do what is necessary to produce results. The politicians are happy, and so is the public, until it is your turn!

  2. It's a shame we can't look upon our LEO's as friends of the citizenry, but now as enemies. I now treat all police as enemies of the peace, which they now are.

    What a lousy world to be in.

  3. Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist.

    I am glad more people are finally waking up to the type of cops we have now. For a long time I felt I was in the minority of seeing cops for what they really are.

    But knowing this will not change things I fear. There must be action to go with it.

    And, unfortunately, it will not be pleasant action, for anyone. But it will need to be done.

  4. The "people" ALWAYS, sooner or later, rise up and eliminate those who oppress them, whether its the dictator, the politician, the military, ot the quasi-military police force. ALWAYS.
    Thats history and its inevitable.
    But if you had the chance to ask any of the previously mentioned oppressors, they would, right down to the very last one of them, claim their power was permanent, invincible and irresistable.
    They were not only ALL wrong, they are eventually all dead. And NOT by natural causes.
    Have fun while it lasts....


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