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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Union: Obamacare Will Slash Wages By Up To $5 An Hour

A national union that represents 300,000 low-wage hospitality workers charges in a new report that Obamacare will slam wages, cut hours, limit access to health insurance and worsen the very “income equality”President Obama says he is campaigning to fix.

Unite Here warned that due to Obamacare's much higher costs for health insurance than what union workers currently pay, the result will be a pay cut of up to $5 an hour. "If employers follow the incentives in the law, they will push families onto the exchanges to buy coverage. This will force low-wage service industry employees to spend $2.00, $3.00 or even $5.00 an hour of their pay to buy similar coverage," said the union in a new report.

“Only in Washington could asking the bottom of the middle class to finance health care for the poorest families be seen as reducing inequality,” said the report from Unite Here. “Without smart fixes, the ACA threatens the middle class with higher premiums, loss of hours, and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive coverage,” said the report, titled, “The Irony of Obamacare: Making Inequality Worse.”



  1. They supported the liar so they get what they deserve. Perhaps union folks will wise up someday and will stop voting strait Democratic ticket.

  2. I don't feel sorry for them. I am sure their union dues paid for the Kenyans election.

  3. That mean Joe will now make $1 per hour selling tulips?


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