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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tomorrow Is World Kidney Day!

Kidney disease kills more people each year than breast and prostate cancer combined! But while the majority of Americans can recite the common tests for breast and prostate cancer, not many know the risk factors and tests that could keep them off of dialysis and the transplant list.


Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States.
High Blood Pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure.
Family History of Kidney Failure -- If your family has a history of kidney failure, you are at an increased risk for kidney disease and kidney failure yourself.
Age over 60-- Being over the age of 60 is one of the main risk factors for developing kidney disease and kidney failure.
Kidney Stones-- Studies have shown that a history of kidney stones is associated with the development of kidney disease and kidney failure.
Over-use of pain medications such as over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has also been associated with kidney disease and kidney failure.


Anyone with the above risk factors should be tested to check their kidney function. Simple steps such as controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, maintaining a healthy weight and diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and avoiding excessive use of pain medicine can help reduce your risk for kidney disease and kidney failure. For tips on how to manage your diet and make over your pantry, click here!

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