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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tom Stevenson New City Administrator For City Of Salisbury

In a Closed Session meeting last night Tom Stevenson was voted in as the new City Administrator for the City of Salisbury. 


  1. Sweet thanks for the update!

    1. The city is officially dumbed down.

  2. Anyone know how they all voted? I bet I can guess. I thought he wasn't qualified for the job?

  3. another non- qualified LEADER

  4. Anonymous said...
    Anyone know how they all voted? I bet I can guess. I thought he wasn't qualified for the job?

    March 11, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    He is not qualified.

  5. What a JOKE!!

    Tom Stevenson isn't qualified to run a Sub shop. Jim Ireton I hope you lose your ass with a law suit from Lore Chambers and others. You are racist and you hate females. Your leadership can't get any worse.

    And to top it off there were at least 3 council members that voted for him. WTH!!

    If someone finds out who voted for him can you please let us know.

    This is a sad day in Salisbury!

  6. it's the same with the new assistant city administrator, like dr lore chambers, he has more qualifications than tom. that has to be disappointing to the new guy, and they wonder why morale is the way it is, low.

  7. Cohen was not there, and Tim Spies abstained. I guess that tells you who the 3 were that voted yes.

  8. Salisbury is lucky to have him.

    1. If you seriously think so, you deserve his uneducated, unqualified existence. A leader he is not, ask anyone in public works. Watch the mass exodus.

  9. another round of the re-cycled

  10. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury is lucky to have him.

    March 11, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    Says who? Sign your name Tom.

  11. This is important City news and needs to stay at the top.

  12. Tom Stevenson sucked up to Barrie Tilghman to get his job at the unneeded Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance. Tom was in charge of the smallest and I mean smallest department in the City. This certainly doesn't qualify him to be in charge of a multimillion dollar business.

    He is one of the Barrie Tilghman clowns that Ireton promised us he would get rid of. Now look at him he is rewarding this undeserving miscreant.

    Tom Stevenson is uneducated and untrained.

    This proves how poor the leadership is in the City of Salisbury. Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell. This city is doomed.

  13. Joe --

    this should be at the top for the rest of today.

  14. Unbelievable -- he is not qualified and marginally incompetent.


  15. Continuing to 'bury the city. Sad; really sad!

  16. Spies was wise to abstain after what Tom Stevenson and his department, the Unequal Code Enforcement Agency, did to Spies in cahoots with the Daily Times smear squad.

    Remember how Spies was front page news for a citation he hadn't even been sent yet?

    1. Stevenson, Daily Times, Jim Ireton and Stu Leer were behind every bit of that.

  17. Said it before and will say it again biggest mistake yet, SAPOA is in his pocket and vice versa. Salisbury will be a bigger slum area than it already is. Multiple rentals in Salisbury way pass the restrictions, people living in basements up to 9 non related people in a 1 bathroom house. Housing and coding should have stopped this but you never listen to the people even when we give you the house locations, violations and information you just blow smoke up you know where. I wish I could sell my house and move but we can't afford to and we are way to old to move@! Thanks guys, karma will get you in the end.

  18. Congratulations Tom you'll do a good job. people complaining are jealous.

  19. Could ethics action be brought against Stevenson for his part in the Spies smear?

    1. The ethics committee also needs to investigate all the gifts Stevenson has received over the years from people his department was supposed to regulate.

  20. Agree this should stay on top. As far as any of us peons knows, Chambers still has an active complaint against the city and personally against Ireton. What does he care? The city insurance will pay for defending him and the city and a settlement if there is one. The taxpayer will pay for the higher insurance premium. He fired a Ph.D. groomed for the position and hired this guy instead.

  21. ...and the State of the City address with Liarton and lapdog Day. Crime, you say? Problem, simply stated, Ireton has turned a good chief into someone who is timid and afraid of being fired if she crosses him from what I can see. What a shame and now crime is headed through the roof. Jim, Jake, Shanie, Laura, this is you legacy. Disgusting. You all want your way no matter what the cost to the people you were elected to represent (although I think the election results were rigged).

  22. Has the Mayor passed a drug test? Did you see him on BOC tonight for his State of City? Bizarre behavior.

  23. Even though I really do not care for Lore' Chambers....I hope she sues the City of Salisbury for all its worth......And its coming...The lawyers are already contacting former employee's and HR Staff....Going to be a fun Ride....Watch your taxes SKYROCKET!

  24. 8:55 PM - I don't believe people complaining are jealous at all - people are concerned about Salisbury and Ireton just keeps taking it down the drain so we'll be known as slumsbury.

  25. 6:24 They are aware, and ignore.

  26. 10:15 a.m. if that were the case ireton would have been voted in once, but now twice. It's already known as slumberry, something we both agree on.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Spies was wise to abstain after what Tom Stevenson and his department, the Unequal Code Enforcement Agency, did to Spies in cahoots with the Daily Times smear squad.

    Remember how Spies was front page news for a citation he hadn't even been sent yet?

    March 11, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    Yes that was an attack by Barrie Tilghman and Tom Stevens personally got involved in this and did what Barrie told him to do. Keep in mind Councilman Spies was fined numerous times and not warned.

    Tom was hired by Barrie for some reason even though he was uneducated and unqualified.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Said it before and will say it again biggest mistake yet, SAPOA is in his pocket and vice versa. Salisbury will be a bigger slum area than it already is. Multiple rentals in Salisbury way pass the restrictions, people living in basements up to 9 non related people in a 1 bathroom house. Housing and coding should have stopped this but you never listen to the people even when we give you the house locations, violations and information you just blow smoke up you know where. I wish I could sell my house and move but we can't afford to and we are way to old to move@! Thanks guys, karma will get you in the end.

    March 11, 2014 at 7:34 PM

    I have sent emails and text messages to the employees and supervisors and never get a response now. I know these people personally and NSCC needs to be shut down.

  29. Anonymous said...
    ...and the State of the City address with Liarton and lapdog Day. Crime, you say? Problem, simply stated, Ireton has turned a good chief into someone who is timid and afraid of being fired if she crosses him from what I can see. What a shame and now crime is headed through the roof. Jim, Jake, Shanie, Laura, this is you legacy. Disgusting. You all want your way no matter what the cost to the people you were elected to represent (although I think the election results were rigged).

    March 11, 2014 at 11:05 PM

    They claim crime is down. This is so wrong. Ireton, Matt Maciarello and Chief Duncan have something worked out where they don't charge criminals for their criminal activity. This is definitely done with first time offenders and some the decide not to charge. This was done to make the city look like it is safe. Matt should be ashamed for caving into Ireton's drama and shame game. Duncan has no choice if she wants to stay employed. I hope Mike Lewis is not involved in this. Shame on you.

    Crime is not down, the numbers are down because they are not charging the criminals. Make sense yet?

  30. 1:45, You'll LOVE this.

    I had two juveniles break into one of my buildings. They broke a door but were caught before they could really steal anything.

    I get a call two weeks later telling me to get a quote on the damage, which wasn't much.

    Nevertheless, I forgot about it because I'm just that busy.

    Friday I got a call telling me they're dropping ALL charges because I didn't turn in a quote in time.

    I said, wait, you have to be kidding me, right? They were caught in the act and because I haven't turned in a quote ALL charges are dropped. Yep, that's what happened.


  31. Anonymous said...
    Has the Mayor passed a drug test? Did you see him on BOC tonight for his State of City? Bizarre behavior.

    March 11, 2014 at 11:09 PM

    He doesn't have to pass a drug test to be the mayor.

    They haven't drug tested Laura Mitchell either and they need to. As a matter of fact they should raid her house.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Congratulations Tom you'll do a good job. people complaining are jealous.

    March 11, 2014 at 8:55 PM

    No one is jealous. Who would want to suck up to Jim Ireton and look pretty for him. Tom is nothing but arm candy. He is Ireton's Rehoboth Beach Stud. He has been visiting Rehoboth Beach a lot these past few months. Trust me, we saw him there.

  33. Joe @ 1:50 that is part of the corrupt system and I am disappointed that our States Attorney is involved in it.

    I used to like Matt, but now wish someone was running against him.


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