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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Today's Survey Question 2-25-14

Do you think shrinking the army 
in peace time is a good idea?


  1. F* NO!!!

    You get the point. We are already a weak nation so why weaken it now. Look at Fort Hood and the DC Naval Yard killings. Soldiers are not allow to have weapons on bases and thy are not allow to defend themselves. The unarming of America is well under way and this country is under attack by the White House. Please wake up America and get your lazy asses out of bed and do something about it.

  2. I believe this is a move to dismantle our strength as a military power.
    This is just another move in the Obama chess game.
    He has corrupted our financial system and ruined it.
    He has corrupted our legal and judiciary system and ruined it.
    He has tried with a great deal of success to rid us of religion.
    He has corrupted the MSM.
    He has ruined our system of checks and balances.
    The only thing left that can save us would be the military , it will be gone soon and we will be completely under a police state.

    I will die enforcing our rights!

  3. Only if you are foolish enough to think we wil never be attacked again.

  4. Historically it never has been, why should it be now?

  5. Yes. The government does not have a blank checkbook. Entitlements, Military, Healthcare...they all must be cut.

  6. Not if you want peace.

  7. It's a sign of weakness. I wonder what the budget for homeland security is.Remember in the first campaign, we should have a national militia with similar funding to our armed forces. Exactly who is the enemy?

  8. NO and hell no, what's more important entitlements or a strong national defense.

  9. A bigger concern is shrinking an army during a recession. Where are all these returning soldiers going to work?

  10. A little reorganization coupled with a modest drawdown in peacetime keeps the military flexible, agile and more responsive.

    WE ARE NOT AT PEACE RIGHT NOW! There are too many that have vocalized intent to harm us and some are active in following similar statements.

    We need to be as ruthless and violent to them as they are towards us. Victory, or defeat...there is not gentle way to engage one's enemies when they are like the ones we have.

  11. The last time our military was cut was under the Clinton administration and we were attacked on 9/11.

  12. I hope this don't bit us in the a__ .We need a strong military, I'm sure the other power hungry countries are keeping a eye on this.

  13. 404 Obama chess game? LOL, could have sworn the mantra of a smaller, faster force to meet today and future challenges has been DoD's mantra for over 10 yrs.

    721 how many Abrams tanks would it take to stop 9/11.

    Yes, a drawdown makes common sense. We ramped up #'s due to all out war in 2 theaters. But I imagine you guys figure throwing 100 k troops into the desert to fight a battle between folks that have been fighting each other for a millenia and who don't want us there is a good thing.

  14. And yet "the enemy" grows in size & strength. It's supremely foolish, IMO.

  15. if you do shrink our forces, BRING OUR TROOPS HOME! ALL of them!

  16. Gotta love all these "fiscal conservatives" crying about cuts to our massive, bloated military budget.

  17. This is like arguing with a mater plant…...

  18. Take the able bodied folks on entitlements and put them in the military. Case closed.
    Foolishness to decrease military. Putin will laugh all the way here.

  19. Great idea.The rest of the world will know what not to expect from us.

  20. Part of Obozo's plan for the destruction of America or as he puts it "Fundamental Change"

  21. No. President Reagan said we can only have peace with strength. He became president after the sissy president Carter, so he had to rebuild our military to a point of strength once again.

    When a shark sees, smells or tastes blood he attacks. GET IT ??

  22. The very same morons on here defending keeping the military at wartime levels during peacetime bust on the fire department for keeping firefighters on whn there are no fires. Go figure.

  23. No, we must always be prepared and strong

  24. NO.. Cut funding for welfare..homeland security.. patriot act NSA..IRS..FBI..DEA..ALL OTHER DEPTS before defence

  25. Remarkable.... John Lennon sang about peace and imagining a world with peace and love and how was he killed? With a gun. I really wish I could live in his song...but even he couldn't.


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