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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Truth About Lies


  1. Newt is right! Amazing parallel. The Socialists in the Obama regime are lying traitors.

    But, "what difference does it make?"!
    People that vote democrat/socialist don't have a clue they are being lied to.

  2. Disagree, 9:20. These fools know they are being lied to - they just don't care as long as the free stuff keeps coming.

  3. 10:01 PM you may be right, but since ALL Democrats are liars it's like they say Birds of a Feather.

    Democrats are dirtballs and clueless people lying to themselves. If they get offended and us calling them liars and dirtballs they are either in the wrong party or they have thin skin.

  4. Newt is spot on. I've never seen our government this corrupt in my years as a responsible citizen and voter. I follow politics and I'm telling you this is the worst president and administration ever.


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