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Monday, March 10, 2014


Why Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett is being called 'the de facto president'

Suppose you were a committed leftist revolutionary who somehow got elected president of center-right America.

Suppose you were great at making speeches, but little else. You masked your socialist agenda in the appealing rhetoric of fairness and justice, but secretly loathed the American system of constitutional government and free-market capitalism.

Suppose you were also an extreme narcissist with an absurdly grandiose view of yourself and almost no tolerance for criticism and disagreement. Your ego so fragile, your worldview so distorted, your mind so angry beneath your charismatic exterior, and your self-image of being a divinely gifted leader in danger of disintegrating in the light and heat of mounting geopolitical turmoil and your own stunning failures as president.

In short, suppose you were Barack Obama.



  1. only her odor is powerful.

  2. Jarrett and Obama haven't sold the American "farm"... They've just given it away!
    They refuse to enforce laws, Holder is an accomplice there... They have gutted the military and there is no longer a southern border, the drug cartels run Northern Mexico with guns and ammo supplied by Obama, Blacks are overrunning major cities with violence and racism... They have destroyed the health care system and unemployment and welfare are at an all time high... We have turned our back on our allies and supported enemies!
    The Socialists from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, to Governor O'Malley right on down to local Commie's Chuck and Jimbo lie through their teeth to tell us how good things are in this country when they are in fact destroying it all! We are sunk. The United States of America is being torn apart like the Soviet Union but we are being destroyed from within by communist idiots like Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton and all the fools that have voted "democrat"!

  3. her father has backed cic since he was a very young man. Thus she's where she is. A chicago slum-lord...


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