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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Teachers Become Targets in Active Shooter Drills

FARMINGTON, Mo. (KMOX) – Some teachers in Farmington balked this week after being told that a school safety drill would require them to wear goggles and be shot at with air soft pellet guns.

A school safety drill in St. Francois County hits a snag after some teachers object to getting shot at with air soft pellet guns.

Four teachers at Farmington High school contacted the Prosecuting Attorney’s office on Tuesday after they were handed goggles during the “active shooter” exercise.

Associate Superintendent Sarah Long says school personnel were not forced to take part in that aspect of the drill.



  1. How about handing them goggles, and THEIR OWN AIRSOFT GUN? Make it even!

  2. you would not believe how many times the media runs with a school shooting story-- when it was just a drill and they never do a retraction.

    Watch March 11 there is a scheduled Tornado Drill set for VA-- I guarantee you there will be stories reported saying "no reports yet on casualties"


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