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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Stonewalling Wicomico Citizens HB-1279 - Letter to the Editor

At the first Legislative Breakfast for this new session Mr. Pollitt had made some inquires about the best time to submit legislation for new bills.  I believe it was Mr. Conway who said it was nice to have them submitted early so as to be sure they would get through the legislative procedure.  Mr. Pollitt then went on to explore avenues of getting increased revenues for the County, and, in particular mentioned a SPECIAL TAX on maybe gas or a county sales tax. 

On January 26th I emailed Delegate Conway to ask if he had seen any legislation in this area and what were his thoughts on those ideas.  So far I haven't received an answer, but, Delegate Conway did acknowledge the receipt of my e-mail at the second Legislative Breakfast back in February - and stated that he would contact his office about getting back to me.  So far - I'm still awaiting a response, but I believe I have found out what has transpired. 

At the first Tuesday evening meeting of the County Council, during the public input section, I expressed my concerns about any new bills being introduced that could give our County powers to invoke these additional taxes.  Mr. Strausburg came into the room with his hand in the air and assured me that he did not know of any such bills being introduced.  About this time many people were showing concerns about why Mr. Pollitt was spending so much time in Annapolis.  It was even speculated that he might be job hunting for a government position.  I really have no idea what he was doing but could only speculate by what I was reading.  Well low and behold, on the very last day of introducing new legislation for new bills and just about at the last hour a new House Bill pops up - HB-1279 - (click onto link)Read this bill - it gives Pollitt everything he wanted and he and Delegate Conway can use the old plausibility out of say; 'we didn't write that and we had nothing to do with it.'

It was put out by a Montgomery County Senator - (guess who - the Chicken Tax Man) - whose County I believe already has this taxing power.  Now why would he put in a bill that doesn't effect his County but would effect our County - Wicomico?  Who do we know that would stoop this low to put him up to this?  It actually appears to be a common legislative practice in Annapolis.  It's done so that the people up for re-election can deny they had anything to do with these types of bills - (no fingerprints). 

Do they think we are really that stupid that we can't see what's going on!  Sneaky little tricks like that are not just common to Annapolis.  Strange thins also go on around here in our own County.  A week ago, by Count Council consensus, the County Administrator was asked to draw up a letter to be presented to the Legislature to try and exempt Wicomico County from letting the County Executive have this type of Special Taxing Power.  As of 4PM today, I am not aware that this request by the County Council has been honored.  Perhaps someone from the County Council could get on this news and ask why this hasn't been done yet.  They could also tell us if Mr. Pollitt has been asked to sign-on to this letter, what his response is, and, if he would head a County delegation to Annapolis to testify to have Wicomico County opted out of this Bill.  We don't need new taxing powers here in Wicomico County. 


John Palmer - Delmar, MD


  1. good old boys know how to get in your back door

  2. So if my capped tax is $1,000 per year, and this added tax is 2.5 times that ($2,500), my tax next year will be $3,500??? (OH, PLUS the 2% increase on the $1,000!) = $3,510!

    Will the Citizens get to vote on this?


    Just write to Norm Jim Mathias, and friends and get your "We know what's best for you" letter in return.

    Meanwhile, don't forget to tell the City Council how much you want to volunteer for the rain tax and the ensuing penalties two years from NOW.

  3. I am so tired of the good ole boy system and the games they play. Is there any one honest out there any more other than Mike McDermott? I think not!

  4. More tax and spend....come on November!

  5. Our own illustrious Norman Conway tries to play these tricks all of the time. He'll get someone else to do his dirty work for him - and then profess he hasn't had a hand in it. BS!

  6. Are you saying we might finally have a way around this strangling revenue cap? Yay!

  7. 11:04

    Many people in this area are on fixed income and cannot afford more taxes. If however you want to pay more in taxes you are welcome to pay double on your property taxes. A good liberal like you should not have to be forced by the government to pay more, you should do it because in your mind it is the right thing to do.

  8. To 11:04 - I can see you are one of the beneficiaries. But from my side of the equation, I'm proud to have the revenue cap. With the way the administration spends money, you thinks foreclosures are high now, wait till the last bastion decides to pull-up. They'll be nothing left of Wicomico except dry bones.

  9. To 11:04, good for you. Finally, someone who understands what this cap is doing to restrict the county's ability to provide for its citizens. Let the calls of RINO begin!

  10. This Citizen is following the rest of the citizens that have pulled up stakes and left!

    Last one out, turn out the lights...

    Can't tax me any more, but 11:04 wants to pay what was my share, so, you've got that!

  11. 11:04 - the revenue cap is strangling the right people...this 'way around it' will strangle the taxpayers.

    You are a Democrat moron...oh but I repeat myself!

  12. 11:34 More what? Nothing is getting done around here, so where is the money going? In someone's pockets. Frauds and shills.

  13. Walk Away. Walk Away. Just Walk Away. To Hell With The Eastern Shore.

  14. Ok boys and girls I guess the reality hasn't set in..... The shore is toast.... The damage is done and recovery isn't an option..... Toooo much is being lost toooo fast. Good luck to those who stay thinking it will all be ok... It won't sadly.

  15. buy up the bullets and prepare

  16. Yep, miles from tax free Delaware and you want to institute a county sales tax.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Are you saying we might finally have a way around this strangling revenue cap? Yay!

    March 7, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    I get the feeling you are one of the beneficiaries of the County Tax Payers. The only thing that is strangling is the tax payers who are being strangled. I also feel confident you don't know what it is like to be a tax payer.


  18. Anonymous said...
    buy up the bullets and prepare

    March 7, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    The government is trying to make all .22's and ammo illegal.

  19. Anonymous said...
    To 11:04, good for you. Finally, someone who understands what this cap is doing to restrict the county's ability to provide for its citizens. Let the calls of RINO begin!

    March 7, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    What does the County need to provide for it's citizens that it isn't already providing?

    Go to Rick Pollitt's office and right out front you see 2 unneeded secretaries. You have an office for a PIO, an office for a County Administrator, an office for an Assistant County Administrator and an office for Rick Pollitt. Did I miss anyone?

    You have an Assistant County Administrator that has absolutely no credentials or experience to be the third ranking person in the County. She was nothing more than a secretary and you have dirty politics giving her a ranking job to appease a certain group.

    Right away in 2006 when the County Executive position went into effect you saw Rick Pollitt filling empty spots almost immediately he cost tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    WTH were the RINO's thinking who pushed for a County Executive. Ironically the same ones are bitching about the position and the cost now 8 years later. I say go back to the Council/Manager form of government. That is exactly what the City of Salisbury should be doing.

  20. Thank you, 11:11!

  21. Norman Conway is a Slumlord. He has a brick rental house on the Rt. 50 end of Priscilla Street with thugs and Pit Bulls. They are using them for dog fighting. Right under the cops noses and they won't do anything about it. Thanks to Jim Ireton that is.


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