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Friday, March 07, 2014



  1. The U.S. is the laughing stock of the world.
    Obama is certainly showing his culture.

  2. 11:21, CULTURE? He represents both black and white. STOP making everything he does about RACE.

  3. He may your president , he's not mine!

  4. Joe your are right as you can see he treats white and black people the same like we are stupid and depend on his leadership to survive.

  5. I always hated being forced to do something harsh.Obama has finally threatened the wrong one and will ultimately have to act on those threats.The US will not be completely out of war in any of our lifetimes.Impoverished within,but still willing to fix the rest of the world.

  6. Culture:
    The beliefs , customs , arts of a society that has its own beliefs , way of life and a way of THINKING!
    Not to be racist but to be honest.

  7. Where is Obama's B-ball in the basket?

  8. You clowns do realized that it was actually the western powers the turned flipped Ukraine right? Do you even know the background behind this. You are so blinded by your need to make everything about your anti-Obama story line that you missed where the western powers were the ones who actually turned this country pro-US. The Russians are simply making sure they don't lose the most important piece (from their perspective).

  9. 557, not according to my history book. We never had anything to do with their changes for the last 100 years. Maybe you have a different history book than 99;9% of us have.


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