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Friday, March 14, 2014

Republican Accuses McAuliffe Of Forcing Medicaid Expansion On Virginians

(CNSNews.com) – Virginia’s new Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is trying to “force-feed the people of Virginia a federal government-based healthcare policy that is wreaking havoc with everything it touches,” said State Sen. Bryce Reeves (R-Spotsylvania) in a statement released on Wednesday.

The Virginia General Assembly ended its 60-day legislative session on March 8, unable to pass a two-year budget because of disagreements over Medicaid expansion. Gov. McAuliffe, who backs Medicaid expansion, announced on the same day that he would call a special session of the General Assembly on March 24 to resolve the issues.



  1. hey VA, welcome to the state of Maryland... you too will be screwed like MD has...

  2. It's the Republicans fault they elected this stupid Democrat as their Governor. They had a chance to win, but they let a Third Party candidate steal votes.

    You people that believe in and vote for Third Party candidates are extremely stupid.


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