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Monday, March 10, 2014

Remove Condoleezza Rice As Graduation Speaker

'A political firestorm fueled by their hatred of an opposing ideology'

(Fox News) Rutgers University professors and students are crying foul over the school’s decision to invite former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to speak at this year’s commencement ceremony.

Rutgers’ New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution last week calling on the university’s board of governors to rescind its invitation to Rice, who will receive $35,000 and an honorary doctorate for the speech, The Star-Ledger reported.

The resolution said Rutgers should not honor Rice because of her role in the war in Iraq and the Bush administration’s policy of “enhanced interrogation techniques,” such as waterboarding, the report said.



  1. It is the student's graduation and they should be able to pick who they want to speak.

  2. Academia has all the answers.

  3. 10:18. You are technically correct however do you really want only one side of an argument to be heard here in the United States of America?

    Think about it if you are capable. The one party system we have had for a few years is not working for folks.

    It has to end.

  4. Leftwing racism rears it's head again.

  5. They'd prefer a Che Guevara type, or another radical, like Obama. Even though his Libya actions were far worse than Iraq. Doesn't matter, 3/4 of them will be on welfare in no time.

  6. Nothing riles a liberal like a black conservative - takes away their standard answer to conservatives "Ah Ha - you're a racist".

    Shame they continually find it necessary to avoid facts and realities and revert to only attacking people who have a different, non-sheep like, opinion.

  7. i'm sure they'd rather have an obama minion come in and talk about obamas role in afghanistan?
    what a bunch of putrid, vapid, brainless twits
    the future of 'Merica?

  8. Interesting how the Liberals can get away with racism.

    I applaud the University for inviting her to speak. I hope they don't cave in to the few radical racists which are by far considered left wingnuts.

  9. 1119, libya worse than iraq? Would love to hear the basis for that argument

  10. some College Professors are proud Fascists -- it's a shame tenure protects such trash and actually serves to embolden many of them..

  11. These frigging idiots think water boarding is worse than drone strikes that have murdered hundreds of innocents

  12. So, these idiots are about to graduate college and they can't deal with an opposing viewpoint? They believe that to censor is the adequate response? Their parents may have purchased degrees for them, but they are not educated.


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