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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Random Thoughts By Ellen Sauerbrey

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that Democrats are in a deep trouble. Here's the key finding: "In the 34 states with Senate races, 50 percent of voters say they favor Republicans and 42 percent favor Democrats." An eight-point GOP advantage in an ABC News/Post poll is huge! Republicans must win six seats to retake the Senate majority.

So, Obama is about to impose another delay in Obamacare in a brazen effort to shield Democrats from the consequences of policy cancellations shortly before the election. Remember their reaction when Republicans proposed a delay? The chickens are coming home to roost before an election. Can't have that!!!
A Maryland House of Delegates Committee today passed the O'Malley/Brown minimum wage hike raising it from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour - a 38% increase. Though such an increase sounds compassionate, the effect will be to price young unskilled job seekers out of the market. Interestingly, the bill exempts Six Flags America, which is located in Upper Marlboro in P.G. County. What hypocracy!

Breitbart: … Reporters Without Borders dropped America in the World Press Freedom Index 2014 from 33rd to 46th. James Risen of The New York Times rightly explained, “I think 2013 will go down in history as the worst year for press freedom in the United States’ modern history.” And he’s right. The violation of press freedoms has been egregious under this administration, even as the press fetes President Obama as an honest and effective commander-in-chief.

The Weekly Standard: A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama's team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend. "The President's national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon," reads the full statement.
National League of Taxpayers: in 2013 the federal government spent over $1.5 billion on the maintenance and utility bills for various buildings that were empty and unused.Altogether, your tax dollars paid for more than 448 million square feet of unnecessary space. And this habit has gone on for years -- one warehouse sat completely empty for four years straight, yet the General Services Administration still spent $2 million keeping it open.
The American Studies Association is asking its member universities to join the growingacademic boycott of Israel. Eight out of the 14 member universities of the ASA’s National Council that approved the boycott have received more than $5.6 million from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2000.
A proposed bill before the Kentucky Legislature would allow a candidate run for multiple offices – freeing Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to run both for President and for his current seat. Expect opposition from State Democrats.

The Times of Israel: Israel can expect to face international isolation and possible sanctions from countries and companies across the world if Benjamin Netanyahu fails to endorse a framework agreement with the Palestinians, US President Barack Obama cautioned on Sunday ahead of a meeting with the Israeli prime minister

In Ontario Canada, a Muslim barber refuses to cut hair of lesbian: Whose rights trump whose? A government agency called the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario will hear her complaint.and have to decide.
(CNSNews.com) - 1,154,000 fewer Americans are working today than six years ago,according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In January 2008, 146,378,000 Americans 16 and over were employed, and now in January 2014, 145,224,000 are employed, a difference of 1,154,000.
Connecticut Police to Begin Door-to-Door Gun Confiscations

The State of Connecticut says that all citizens must register rifles and high capacity magazines, or will be charged with a felony. As many as 100,000 people could face heavily armed police smashing down their doors and be charged with a felony. The legislature of CT says that a registration is needed so they can know where the guns are. Yet at the same time, they are sending threatening letters to gun owners. So they already have records of who has purchased certain guns. The fact is, that the CT legislature fully intends to confiscate hundreds of thousands of firearms anyway. The registration process will simply make it easier to confiscate, because you acknowledge that you still own a firearm that the state already suspects that you own. CT State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance says that state police would comply with an order from the state to conduct door to door gun confiscations. Experts claim that as many as 350,000 people are in violation of the law, and over 100,000 of those people could face felony charges. That means over 3.6% of the entire adult population of Connecticut has been transformed into a felon by the new registration law. Roughly one in twenty Connecticut homes could have their doors smashed in by heavily armed law enforcement seeking to confiscate firearms.

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