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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Prettyman Brings Raises Back To The Table

Just as we expected, Stevie Prettyman has formally asked Council President Matt Holloway to bring the recently rejected pay raises back to the table Tuesday night and Holloway has agreed to do so. 

Here's the catch. Gail Bartkovich will be on a plane when the Council Meeting takes place, so the vote will be overturned and everyone will get their raises.

Nice going away present Stevie. 


  1. she is a snake in the grass...........

  2. I will not allow personal attacks on this Post.

    Everyone is welcome to their opinion about the TOPIC but personal attacks will be rejected by me.

  3. she is not representing her district....seems more interested in appeasing Executive's office. glad we can elect someone new.

  4. Where's the money coming from Stevie?!

    In true political fashion, taking care of their buddies, sticking the taxpayers with the bill, and leaving!

  5. Here's another question...:

    Is Gail upset enough to cancel her trip to come back and vote? Or, was she part of the plan in the first place as she wants to be reelected without this specific vote?!

  6. 11:10, Gail isn't running again. She is stepping down. Hmmmmm

  7. Thanks Joe - that explains "The rest of the Story" as Paul Harvey used to say...


  8. Joe, I agree with you on the personal attacks, but I don't think saying she is a snake is not inappropriate. I think there is truth to that comment.

  9. If Gail and Stevie are not interested in their positions any longer and they are not returning then it would be best for them to step down and let the Central Committee replace them. Stevie and Gail please step down asap.

  10. Stevie voted while she was out-of-state, why shouldn't Gail do the same?

  11. 11:47, She will be on a plane. Matt Holloway IS CHANGING HIS VOTE so they will apparently have enough votes to pass it, even if Gail was there.

  12. 11:29 Probably had more to do with comments that got rejected, than the 1st comment.

  13. 11:56, that's exactly right. I should have stated that in my first comment. There were very personal attacks that I had rejected, hence my putting up that comment.

  14. FYI the ONLY pay being considered is the Sheriff's and Orphan's Court. This is what is on the County Council agenda posted below.

    10:06a.m. Matthew Creamer: Council Administrator

    1.Discussion for reconsideration for salaries 2014-2018 for Sheriff and Orphan’s Court

  15. 11:05 AM - she doesn't care where the money is coming from. She's out of here anyway soon as her term is up. She won't be living in Wicomico County - she's on her way to Florida.

  16. She needs to keep silent at this point. She is no longer there for the people she supposedly represents. It's time for her to resign and be gone and stop hurting the majority of county residents

  17. Stevie good for you. People we get what we pay for. This women is stepping down so the conspircy theories just do not flush.

    Mike Lewis deserves a raise as well as the County Council. They deserved to get paid competive wages for the work they do. If you want one of these positions there are elections every four years. They have thankless jobs with tons of critisism from mouth breathers like you. So simply shut up or put up. Sheriff, Ricky, Council you all do awesome work. They really can not pay you guys enough in my opinion.

    Have a Delmarvalous Day !!!!!!!


  18. And she drinks Natural Light. Disgusting!

  19. This is why the personal life of politicians is important. Who you are in your personal life is really who you are. These people are of the mindset to borrow from peter to pay paul with no regard for how the next generation is to pay for their over spending. They aren't capable of forward thinking and just live for today.

  20. Don't forget Orphans Court, 1:30!

  21. it is so interesting that so many votes get "changed" after a vote - so there has to be another one. Speaks to the lack of principles of those involved. Matt and Stevie make Joe H. and Bob C. look like men who stand behind their vote and word...actions speak louder than words and the actions of the RINO vote-changers speaks volumes....Matt needs to go too

    1. Just who would you replace Matt Holloway with? Your choices for at large are NOT great. You've got Laura Mitchell scumbag of the earth, Muir Boda lost twice running for city council, just wants a politician job so he can leave Walmart, John Cannon, we've had a taste of him already. So, which loser would you like to replace the loser presently in that seat?

  22. I understand about personal attacks, but the person this post is about does just that. Why does she get a pass when she is very ugly about those she serves with and certain citizens in the community.

  23. 2:44 I totally agree. I know it will be great to turn on pac14 and not see her any more.

  24. Fruitland come here soon outta here ...cant be soon enough...voting with my feet....universal hand gesture to wicomico council...see ya

  25. 5:01, same comment every post! Impressive!

  26. Show up at the council meeting Tuesday at 10 am

  27. John Hall really needs the money.

    1. John Hall, the Democrats sweetheart. They love him so much they didn't even put anyone up to run against him.

  28. Don't be deceived:

    Barko and her hubby are in this up to their necks with SP -- and they will all be gone from Wicomico this time next year!

  29. Prettyman has totally morphed into a liberal democrat. What should the voters expect?

    It takes real courage and conviction to make hard fiscal decisions during austere and poor economic times.

    It appears that only two council members possess the fortitude and courage to continue vote with principle and conviction. If we only had two more of them things would be much different!

  30. Politics the root of all evil

  31. 2:44- I agree with you. I've seen and heard her in action. She is not a nice person. Let's not forget her fellow council members found her an obstructionist until spineless Mackes lackey Hall was APPOINTED - not elected and Matt H. lost his mind and turned into an Executive Office water boy. The council as a whole is a complete joke. Joe and Bob are the only ones with the guts to do the job and stand up to the heat from the whiners. SP, JHall and MH are butt kissers for Strausburg and company. It is a disgusting lack of character in those three for not serving the people they supposedly represent.

    I'm sure Joe A. has had to reject a lot of personal attack comments about SP but she has earned each and every one of them.

  32. Saw this was moved back to top and decided maybe I should read the comments.

    Joe - it is very classy of you not to allow personal attacks. She certainly has been heard saying very unkind things about you.

    If there was ever anyone who deserved personal attacks, it is her. She thinks by reinventing herself a couple of times, her past is erased. It isn't. We know who she is, where she came from and how she got where she is.

    Now, I hope in your viewpoint, this isn't a personal attack. It is just facts strung together.

  33. Ditto, ditto 7:34

  34. If Matt Holloway wants all that state money he expects to get for an easement on his farm, he better shape up so that he can stay on the Council in order to vote the way Pollitt and Richard Hall (MD Dept. of Planning) want him to do about the ag. district zoning and development. It's all been arranged by they so that he will get $$$$$ from the state, just like Bill McCain will also.

  35. 11:42 PM great observation and I am glad I am not the only one on to that. John Hall is the husband of Carolyn Hall, former city council Democrat member and good friend of Jim Ireton. He is seen going to all the Democrat functions and his wife never goes to the Republican functions. The Wicomico Country Central Committee did the wrong thing by appointing him to mover forward and the County Council voted to keep him. The fact that the Democrats did not put someone up against him proves that he is a Democrat with an R besides his name. He doesn't even qualify to be called a RINO because he is a Liberal Democrat through and through.

  36. 6:22 PM interesting comment. Why do you say John Hall needs the money?

  37. 1:05 Great point. His is the most strong Democrat district, with lots of possible candidates for his seat, but he has no opponent this year.

  38. 7:34 p.m. - You've called that right! She is vicious to her enemies or "perceived" enemies. Plots revenge. Joe - you are being very kind to her to edit comments. I agree she doesn't deserve your protection.

  39. I wonder what happened to those 3 six packs after that stunt she pulled.

    Stevie please step down gracefully and let the Central Committee put in a replacement for you.

    By the way Gail Bartkovich should do the same thing.

    Can't say that about Sheree because I can't speak for the Democrats.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Prettyman has totally morphed into a liberal democrat. What should the voters expect?

    It takes real courage and conviction to make hard fiscal decisions during austere and poor economic times.

    It appears that only two council members possess the fortitude and courage to continue vote with principle and conviction. If we only had two more of them things would be much different!

    March 13, 2014 at 6:38 PM

    She has always been a Democrat. Just because she changed her affiliation didn't mean she was a Republican. Isn't there an acronym for that?

  41. I remember attending a council meeting and there were a bunch of volunteer firemen in the audience begging for money during budget time and I remember her saying in a mushy voice "you guys know I love you." What a suck up. She only wanted their votes. UGH! Yuk!

  42. Anonymous said...
    Just who would you replace Matt Holloway with? Your choices for at large are NOT great. You've got Laura Mitchell scumbag of the earth, Muir Boda lost twice running for city council, just wants a politician job so he can leave Walmart, John Cannon, we've had a taste of him already. So, which loser would you like to replace the loser presently in that seat?

    March 13, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    I get your point, well some of it. You are wrong about Muir Boda. He did run for the Salisbury City Council twice and lost by a landslide. He also ran as a libertarian for Congress against Andy Harris and only got 1 or 2 votes. Didn't even place on the map. The misconceiving part of your comment is he wants to get a politicians job so he can leave Walmart? WTH? Don't you know anything about the County Council. They don't get a salary, they only get a small stipend and that certainly isn't enough to leave anyone's full time job. Sometimes I wonder why people like you are allowed to vote. Pay attention and get educated. No offense intended, just an observation that needed correction and some advice.

  43. Joe some of the commenters like 7:34 are correct. I was her friend or at least I thought I was. Every time I was around her she would talk about you and your blog and said she only used you. I haven't heard from her in over a year and if she was a friend she would have called. It seems like I was always calling her and she didn't always have time to talk. I remember one time she had to hang up because the elevator serviceman was coming to her house. Now I don't know if she was bragging or not, but how many voters actually live on the river in the most expensive community in the area and have an elevator in their house.

    How many people own several properties in Florida and get to live there during the Winter and fly back to some of the Council meetings.

    The point of the matter is she has nothing in common with and is out of touch with the people she represents. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She and her husband bought her elections so that she could be on PAC 14 for her 15 minutes of fame. She used to be the same way with WKHI radio so she could be the center of attention.

    Joe I know you don't want to believe she talked about you, but it's the truth. Just because someone calls you or talks to you doesn't mean they are your friend.


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