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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pelosi to Receive Planned Parenthood Award Honoring Eugenicist

Next week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America will present House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with the Margaret Sanger Award. The award is the group’s “highest honor” and is named for a woman who believed in breeding better humans through eugenics.

Planned Parenthood is the nation's leading abortion provider, having performed 327,166 of the procedures in 2012, according to its latest annual report.

Pelosi, a Catholic, will receive the Margaret Sanger Award at the PPFA’s annual gala in Washington, D.C. on Mar. 27. She is being honored, according to PPFA, because of her “leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”
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  1. I fail to see how a murder mill can claim status as a reproductive health leader.
    Furthermore, with that completely oxymoronic comparison in mind, Pelosi is the perfect candidate. It describes here career to the tee.
    I guess she's earned the euthanasia queen status.

  2. She will be gone soon enoughMarch 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    There is one in HELL for her too...

  3. What a great reward for a Catholic. What a sad time for our Country. What a disgrace to womanhood. What a disgrace for humanity. Hitler was all for controlled breeding.

  4. 4:40 - maybe they'll euthanize her for free!

  5. We wish that her mother had had a Planned Parenthood coupon.

  6. The perfect award for such a grotesque abomination as pelosi.
    If her own mother had had an abortion the world would be a better place and that's a fact.

  7. She is living proof that abortion should be legal !

  8. Shame Miss Lube Rack's parents weren't fans of Sanger's book.


  9. As a practicing Roman Catholic, it is way past time for a large number of prominent politicians who have Catholic roots and style themselves as Catholic while voting for and supporting abortion to be challenged by the Church and parishoners.

    They should be privately counseled by their pastor and Bishop. If they don't renounce their advocacy they should be publicly denounced and if still out of step, excommunicated.

    Nothing else will get through to them. There is room for lots of discussion about other topics within the faith, but not this one.

  10. Stop the murder of the innocents.

  11. And begin the murders of the guilty.

  12. Do your research...Sanger wanted to reduce the population of black people...


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