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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Only Americans Fear Obama

Once Barack Obama warned Putin to stand down in the Crimea, its occupation by Russian troops was assured. As Syria showed the world recently, and the Ukraine shows today, Barack Obama needs to learn how toshut his mouth. Yet, who knew when he said, “there will be costs,” we would be the ones to pay?

To paraphrase Lincoln, it is better to shut up and be thought weak than to open your mouth and prove it. Someone should tell Barry. Every time his mouth writes a check his butt won’t cash, he weakens America and makes the world a much more dangerous place for everyone. Does anyone really think that if the Chinese attack Japan over the Senkaku Islands, Obama, even though treaty-bound, will come to their aid? If the Iranians declare they have a nuclear weapon, will Obama do one damn thing?

Putin does not respect Obama -- he views him as weak and incompetent, ill suited for the world stage and the big game. He took the measure of Obama in 2009, when Barry gave up his only bargaining chip, missile defense systems about to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic, before negotiations on cutting nuclear arsenals even began. The Russians were playing chess and Barry was playing with himself.



  1. I agree. Obama should take a page out of Lincoln's book and go to a play.

  2. Obama needs to go home to Kenya.

  3. I don't fear Obama, I fear the idiots that voted for them. The scariest part is they are allowed to vote.


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