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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Obamacare a winning issue for Democrats, Pelosi says

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi predicted Thursday that Obamacare will be a winning issue for her party in congressional elections this year, despite a high-profile loss in Florida and hang-wringing among her fellow Democrats.

Marking Sunday’s upcoming fourth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act’s passage, Mrs. Pelosi doubled down on the overhaul and attacked conservative critics whom she said were paying for false ads tarnishing the law.

“I believe it’s a winner,” the California Democrat said.



  1. How delusional can she get? Is dementia setting in, or has it completely taken over her brain?

  2. Pelosi: "if it walks like a duck, it's a penguin. I'm telling you it's a penguin, I know it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck but it's a penguin. REALLY! It's a penguin.... because I say it's a penguin!"
    "We have to pass it to see whats in it."
    Which means Obamacare is a stool sample.
    Democrats progressive liberals sure are PROUD of their STOOL samples.
    You can't polish a turd.

  3. This is one of those,repeat the lie over and over and they will start to belive it type of statements.

  4. Dilerious she is.

  5. I still say she sleeps up side down.

  6. Nancy is wealthy. Obamacare will have zero effect on her. It is just another ploy in the Democrats plan to keep the people dependent, thus enslaved.

    Screw you Nancy, Barack, Harry, Joe and on and on...

  7. Pelosi is apparently privy to the plan to transfer everybody to Medicare and let the Social Security fund pay all the bills.


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