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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Obamacare Turns 4, Just 1.4% of Uninsured Americans Covered

Four years of Obamacare have produced health insurance for just 1.4% of uninsured Americans.

According to CNBC, of the 5 million people the Obama administration claims have enrolled in Obamacare, just 715,000 are previously uninsured Americans who have chosen and paid for new insurance. As theWashington Post notes, there are 48.6 million uninsured Americans. That means that after four years of being the law of the land, Obamacare–whose purported purpose was to cover the uninsured–has provided coverage for just 1.4% of uninsured Americans.


1 comment:

  1. And that doesn't count the previously insured that became uninsured......


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