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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Obamacare Just Keeps On Tanking

How I pray we don’t get so numb to the endless nightmarish stories of Obamacare that we become fatalistic and resigned to its continued existence. As an antidote to that, I submit another update.

First, Unite Here — a major union for the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry and airport industries — has issued a report concluding that Obamacare will result in wages being reduced by up to $5 an hour, reduce worker hours and exacerbate income inequality. The report, titled “The Irony of ObamaCare: Making Inequality Worse,” states: “Ironically, the Administration’s own signature healthcare victory poses one of the most immediate challenges to redressing inequality. … We take seriously the promise that ‘if you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.’ UNITE HERE members like their health plans.”

Next, let’s look at some very interesting — and compelling — “hard data” from Forbes on the difficulties people will have finding doctors under this exasperating law. Forbes obtained its data from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield “because it is regarded to offer higher quality plans in both the commercial market and on the exchanges.”


1 comment:

  1. I have no clue why articles such as this are written and published.

    It was painfully obvious BEFORE the bill was passed that adding 10,000 bureaucrats to the existing system would make health insurance more expensive and unaffordable.

    This was simple science that somehow was accepted as some sort of plus.

    I have no idea how this one went through.

    Now, there are folks just now "discovering" that costs are rising.

    WOW, Really? Can we have a communal, "DUH" here?

    Doesn't anyone here have a brain anymore?

    Adding Government administrators at the rate of $10B plus now we have an added group of "Federal Investigators" trying to figure out why nothing is working, (like this won't cost more) is the epitome of INSANITY!

    I'm pretty much at my point of explosion while writing this, so I will stop now, but believe me, there's a lot of ammo in my brain that needs to go off!


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