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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama Tells Us To Cancel Cell Phone And Cable To Pay For Obamacare

So, if you make less that $40,000 a year and find the high cost of Obamacare to be overwhelming, President Obama has a message for you: cancel your stupid cable TV and you dang iPhone service you ingrates. THEN you will be able to afford his mandated-by-law take over of our national healthcare system.

This is what Obama told a Latino audience at a townhall held on March 6 by several Spanish language media networks.

Obama was presented with a question about a family that makes $36,000 a year and found that the cheapest Obamacare plan they could find would cost them $315 a month. This, the family felt, was too expensive and something they could not afford.

The President’s response was chilling. Obama said, “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”



  1. He didn't explain how they could access the internet to get on the obama-care website if they cancel their internet access first?

    Such logic is appalling.

  2. But, didn't he give free cell phones? It's not about health care, it is about destroying the country using economic methods.

  3. Well, Daddio, they just need to phone it in... oh, SNAP! I had to cancel that, too!

    Yes, OGreatOne is about as bright as a box of hammers alright. Just one focus, communism at any cost.

  4. they can just get an "Obamaphone"...just spend MORE of other peoples money...

  5. Hey Gay Barry, how about you and your freeloading wife quit taking tax payers funded vacations, giving tax dollars to your friends for green energy products that don't work, apologize for being a liar and go back to being a community agitator in Chicago where you can spend all your time with your buddies in the black panthers?

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 15, 2014 at 8:28 AM

    Uhm, Oh, Well, maybe those folks can cancel their phone service and get "Exclusive Government Barrack Phone" which they may use to call in and sign for this "Exclusive Government Obamacare". Then they should also cancel their cable, no need to have that many channels, maybe just One "Exclusive Government Channel that plays Speeches of Our Totally Narcissistic King Barrack All Day, After All We Are from the Government and We Know Whats Best For You, Good Nite Ya'll from the Public House of her Royal Heinesty Queen Moochelle O."

  7. I already cancelled the phones, cable and internet to be able to pay the mortgage. I guess he meant I will have to give up my home and live in a tent so I can afford his failure. NOT...eff him

  8. I have young children, I get section 8 housing for free, a free cell phone, and free internet because my kids need it to compete with you white folks. I ain't cancelling nothing!

    1. Obama Crooked MulattoMarch 15, 2014 at 5:59 PM

      Sorry to tell ya, but you became a Slave of the Government, they Control you. Don't be supprised when one day they turn your Section 8 down, then they turn the internet & phone off. What you gonna do then?

  9. Lakisha said...
    I have young children, I get section 8 housing for free, a free cell phone, and free internet because my kids need it to compete with you white folks. I ain't cancelling nothing!

    And who made you such a racist? I bet you were told you DESERVE all those things for free...I have kids too...I worked 3 jobs to buy my house--no free section 8 housing...when I can't afford something I DON'T GET IT FROM THE GOVERNMENT. I go WORK.

  10. Better idea cancel Obama care and you can keep your house, car and pay less taxes.

  11. The people need to cancel the president, it's called IMPEACHMENT!


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