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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Norm Conway Can Help Donate $55,000.00 To The Willards Lion Club But...

He'll have NOTHING to do with helping curb crime and safety of Wicomico County Residents.

Is there something wrong with this picture? Wicomico County desperately needs more Parole & Probation Officers. 

Oh, I get it. P&B doesn't serve food.


  1. But it's all you can eat!

  2. Typical liberal, buying votes is what it's called.

  3. Has anyone ever heard him talk? He certainly does not strike anyone as someone who is informed.
    The fact that he wants to give away money to an organization that is really nothing more than a social club as opposed to beefing up a very important state agency shows his priorities are more in line with playing than the real issues at hand.

  4. We need jobs not bribes!!!!

  5. 11:29 - he needs votes...!

  6. Wait? His money or ours?


  8. I was told the Willards Lions Club has over $100,000 and that was shown on their 2012 annual report?

  9. $180,000 Cash and savings is shown on Page 11 of their 2012 Form 990 Report at this link:

  10. That fat slob needs to go.

    I can state this as a fact. Norman Conway HATES Republicans and if you get into a discussion with him about it he is on the verge of going ballistic. His hatred of Republicans pops his veins out of his fat neck.

    Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook are exactly the same way.

    I say Jim Ireton speak at the Democrat Unity Dinner and he was speaking as an extreme left wing nut.

    I will be changing parties as soon as I get a chance.

  11. Lets now forget that Mathias is part of this ripoff of the taxpayers.

    Elect Mike McDermott!

  12. I beg your pardon!!! Lions Clubs International is the largest Service Organization in the world!!! We are not a social organization. When Hurricane Sandy hit Crisfield, MD, the District Governor had 10,000 dollars within 48 hours to help buy supplies, etc. Please check out how much Lions donates to Lions Vision Research at Wilmer Eye Clinic. We also provide free eye screening to children 6 months to 6yrs. old. This free screening detects problems that can be corrected if caught early enough. Please go to Lions Clubs International to see what all we do!!!!!! Thank You!!!!

  13. Norm longs for the days when he did not have anyone with the guts to point out his malfeasance.. it is time for sweeping change in this town-- Let's make sure the voting logs are up to date and clean of all of the Felons and Dead people voting for this type of scourge

  14. 3:01 check the link provided above with the 990. The Willard Lions don't appear to do too much of anything. They donated less than $3000 last year and that's it. No eye glasses, hearing aids, none of that. While I'm sure the Lions do a lot of good, this particular chapter is lacking. Maybe the Lions International should do audits and weed out the chapters who aren't productive because it's a reflection on the entire organization.

  15. "I can state this as a fact. Norman Conway HATES Republicans and if you get into a discussion with him about it he is on the verge of going ballistic. His hatred of Republicans pops his veins out of his fat neck."

    LOL-But you know what, no one could pay me enough to ever get into a discussion with him!
    I do think there is a good chance he is going to get bumped. He's pretty much worn out his welcome. I heard some older volunteer firemen-life long democrats-say they are not looking forward to him showing up at any of the FD dinners anymore because he only shows up during election time. They were adamant that they were not voting for him.

  16. Carl Anderton has our household vote. Norm Conway has become a lame a** H***. He does not look out for anyone but himself. Same goes for Jim Mathias, Rick Pollitt, and Jim Ireton! All Democrat tax and spend idiots

  17. L A s are only out for their next meal.


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