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Sunday, March 30, 2014

‘No Profanity Please’ Signs Unveiled; Council Approves Placement Along Boardwalk

OCEAN CITY – “No Profanity Please” signs will be posted on each block of the Boardwalk this summer in an effort to serve as a reminder that Ocean City strives to be a family-friendly resort.

Earlier this month, after several months of deliberation, the Police Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Mayor and City Council approve the installation of “No Profanity Please” signs along the Boardwalk at street ends.

On Monday evening, the recommendation came before the council.

“You all recall earlier this year Council Secretary [Mary] Knight received a suggestion by her constituents after visiting Virginia Beach that Ocean City move forward with “No Profanity” signs on the Boardwalk. The Mayor and City Council referred that matter for further discussion to the Police Commission. The police department and Lt. Scott Harner drafted several iterations of the graphic to make the signs family-friendly for Ocean City,” City Manager David Recor said.


  1. surprised the the cops won't be patrolling to hear cuss words to lock people up for cussing... I mean they lock people up for the clothes they wear, and they will soon tax us for the rain, so why not?

  2. I thought the puritans left us in the 1700s.

  3. That is Like saying No Homo-sexual allowed in Rehoboth

  4. This will work.... LOL!

  5. While the cops are enforcing the rules of proper speech, a first amendment right, coastal highway is full on drunk drivers? no worries, as long as they spend cash in the bars, do we care that there will be several killed this summer versus a vacation guest who says the wrong word? dumb asses at city hall

  6. seems like they would have bigger issues to tackle than infringing on freedom of speech.

  7. Shut the front door!

  8. I don't believe there is going to be any legal enforcement behind this, just a reminder. It will work to some extent.

  9. I couldn't have run from the shore soon enough....

  10. If they really want to do something, ban fat tan guys in Speedos with gold chains and Elvis sunglasses .

  11. lmao OC a family resort? who's kidding who here? I seen the people who go to OC and you couldn't dream up a bigger rabble of hillbillies, illegal aliens and city thugs! some family!

  12. Sign or no sign, the atmosphere in OC has more to do with the class of people that visit. It was once a family resort but those days are over. As pre-teens/teens in the 70's, we were given free run of the Boardwalk until our curfews without concern for our safety/wellbeing. Today, I would not even take children to the Boardwalk. You see the same types of people and behavior in Staten Is./AC/jersey shore towns except for OC NJ which is a dry town and family oriented. I've been to beach resorts in many states and countries. Never heard a word of profanity or saw any trash/litter on the beaches of Dubai, Nice (France) or Monte Carlo. Certain beaches in Fl, NC and TX are also very clean and family friendly but many others are similar to OC. It depends on the clientele they cater to or are willing to allow. OC sealed its fate when they became a party town with clubs catering to the under 21 crowd.

  13. OC changed from a Family resort to a party town by catering to the drinking crowd.
    If they really wanted to be a family town, they need to close down the bars and make it a dry town like in New Jersey.

  14. The ones that are civil don't need the sign...the rest will ignore the sign.

    It's time to ostracize the uncivil in their actions and publicly point out the incivility of their actions!

  15. Yep, a sign will stop the thugs and wannabe thugs and the junebugs from spouting off the language they know and use so proficiently. Another waste of taxpayer money.

  16. 8:20 - you are so right in every way! OCNJ is a model that beach towns should emulate. OCMD is an alcohol-laced slum; no place for children or decent families. The renters are wild teens/college kids, most of whom behave badly and are lousy employees. That's why most businesses in OCMD are hiring foreign students. Close the bars and cater to FAMILIES if you really want to be a family town!


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