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Thursday, March 13, 2014

N.J. Student Who Sued Parents Drops Suit, Reconciles

ROSELAND, N.J. - The New Jersey honor student who sued to get her parents to support her after she moved out of their home has reunited with them, and the family is now asking for privacy.

The lawyer representing Rachel Canning's parents, made the request during a news conference on Wednesday.

Angelo Sarno says the 18-year-old's return is not contingent on any financial or other considerations. He says that the suit has been settled "amicably," but refused to comment further on the suit.



  1. Money talks, Bull**it walks.

  2. Publicity on both parts

  3. And I guess the parents will pay the legal fees for this spoiled brat!!

  4. Unless you have been separated from your child for years you don't know that you will always take them back (Hopefully after they have grown up a little) I don't know in this case.

  5. This girl is in for an unhappy life. She is apparently being easily "led" by people other than her parents. Could this be a form of autism??

  6. No, this is a rich lifestyle equivalent of expected results gone wrong. Nobody told her that being an asshat would preclude the "Privilege".

    She needs to be knocked down about 16 notches.


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