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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Navy Commander Who Interrogated Alleged 9/11 Terrorist Mastermind KSM Found Murdered

For the record.

The Navy Times reports:

The death of a Navy commander found in a room at the Astoria Hotel on Feb. 12 was ruled a homicide, the Orange Park [Florida] Police Department announced Wednesday.

The Jacksonville Medical Examiner's Office made the ruling on Feb. 13 in the death of Cmdr. Alphonso Doss, 44, of Pensacola, according to the release from the OPPD.

Doss' manner of death is not being released at this time while the OPPD and the Clay County Sheriff's Office investigate.

Doss reported to Naval Education and Training Command in Nov. 2011, according to the Navy.

While in Jacksonville, he was on Temporary Additional Duty orders at the Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit.



  1. You can't blame Bush on this one, but my first bet is the Kenyan.

  2. Second that 2:25.
    This has Obama written all over it.
    Just like all the seals that have mysteriously been killed.

  3. The Muslims are getting their revenge individually.

    We need to treat them as brutally as they treat their victims!

    Pansying around per our choomer in chief will get us to a worse place than we started...too late!

  4. and you all say the govt won't come for you...

    Anyone with information will be targeted and anyone who opposes will be targeted...

    Also know this, when a person is found murdered or died with foul play, usually the person who found them or happened to be near by and saw it is the person who killed the deceased... Typical cover for an alibi... Believe it or not, That is in the CIA handbook and I have FOIA that shows such...


  5. All of this factors into the chess game Putin is playing with the US.His intel has determined precisely what Obama is capable of.Now Obama knows that he knows because Snowden has enlightened Putin to his intentions.Eventually Obama will not be able to shut everybody up.

  6. I'm guessing he killed himself with a nail gun, had to use 11 nails in various parts of the body to get the job done.

  7. I just read many of the comments from the article itself and I was astonished how many ant-American, 9/11 theorists are out there. Is that magazine that posted the article and left wing journal? I like many of our commenters have a gut feeling that Obama and this administration is behind this murder just like Obama purged the hundreds of military officers since he became the so called commander in chief. We have a nation that claims to be patriotic, but I can't believe it's been 6 years and no one has even attempted to stop that fraud from Kenya in the White House. All I see is stupid pictures and comments and I mean thousands of them of FB about how the Muslim in Chief is a fraud and no one is doing anything about it. This has been going on 6 years and you people are allowing this Muslim to trample all over the constitution because you are afraid to be called a racist. You bunch of spineless weaklings.


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