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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Mother of Amber Alert Subject Caitlyn Virts Found Dead in Dundalk Home Thursday Morning

Baltimore County police say an Amber Alert was issued Thursday for Caitlyn Virts after her mother was found dead in her home. According to police the homicide victim's name is Bobby Jo Cortez, whose husband, Daniel Williams Cortez, is in jail on child sex offense charges. 

"We're not sure what if any Mr. Cortez's legal situation has to do with Mr. Virts," police said at a press conference. 

Caitlyn was last seen with her father, 38-year-old Timothy Virts in Dundalk in a black Dodge Durango MD tag 5AJ4458 on Thursday morning. The car is registered to Cortez.

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  1. This is NOT good this asswipe will probably kill the child and himself.....All eyes open for this vehicle.

  2. Why is the mothers husband in jail for child sex offense. Maybe the dad is rescuing the child. Who knows, something is wierd

  3. This poor child having to live through this mess of her life due to the poor decisions of her parents.

  4. I'm thinking the same thing 3:51. Go and look at the record of the mother's husband. The fact is that mother would get mixed up with such a loser is proof that she was nothing but utter and pure trash herself.

  5. If you look on judiciary Daniel Cortez the stepfather spent a yr in jail for a sex offense of a minor back in 2010. Now he's in jail awaiting trial for sex offenses occurring in Dec 2013. I think 3:51 could be correct and if so the father Virts is a hero for putting the GD "mother" out of her GD misery for marrying a sex offender. This makes me so mad. What some children have to go through because the slime that birthed them is a no good piece of garbage.

  6. Maybe she was somehow involved with chiild porongraphy with the sicko in jail..dad stopped her and ended the cycle by getting his daughter out of the nightmare..?.if so ...probably not the best approach for him or daughter

  7. About the time you think you have figured out what is going on with this story they release another bit of it.
    Mother is killed....her current husband had a court date yesterday for sexual assault on a child.....father of girl takes her but leaves behind her twin sister and his son.

  8. The step father was already a convicted (2009) sex offender when the mother married him. Copied from the MD SO registry-"This criminal offense involved the forcible act of sexual contact. The registrant knew the victim and the victim's family. When the offense occurred the victim was a middle school aged child. The offender was 33 years of age. Court records for this case indicate that the registrant's sexually abusive behavior occurred once."
    Cortez is currently jailed awaiting trial for another offense that occurred in Dec 2013.


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