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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Michigan Woman’s Death Unnoticed For 6 Years Because Her Bills Were On Autopay

Last week, a woman in Michigan who was found dead in the backseat of her Jeep, which was parked in her garage. No neighbors remembered seeing her around since maybe 2008, and the bank started foreclosure proceedings. A contractor making repairs on behalf of the bank found the homeowner, who lived alone and was estranged from family. How could such a thing happen?

It turned out to be a strange perfect combination of thoughtful neighbors, a job requiring lots of travel, automatic bill payments, a nice cushion of savings, and strained family relationships. Reporters pieced together that the woman was laid off from her job in finance at Chrysler in the fall of 2008, and co-workers there were the last people to see her alive.



  1. Did this lady not have a full mailbox in 6 years?

  2. I was thinking the same thing 11:50. The only thing I can figure is maybe she was in an area where they still use the door slot things.

  3. But the really good part was that she voted in 2010. What do you want to bet that "she" voted democrat.


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