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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

McCormick Explores Relocating Corporate Headquarters From Sparks

Spice giant McCormick & Co. Inc. is considering moving its corporate headquarters from Sparks in northern Baltimore County to combine administrative functions in a single site elsewhere in Maryland or southern Pennsylvania, the company said Wednesday.

"It's about consolidating the administrative buildings in Hunt Valley," said Jim Lynn, a company spokesman. "We're in the early stages of a long term, multi-year project… to develop a more effective workplace. Our primary objectives are to increase employee collaboration, engagement and efficiency in a more open and centralized location."

The spice maker, which employs about 2,400 people in the state, houses its administrative offices in four buildings, including the headquarters at 18 Loveton Circle in Sparks and three buildings nearby on Schilling Circle in Hunt Valley. Those buildings also house the U.S. consumer products division, a wellness center and employment center and the U.S. industrial group.



  1. how much you wanna bet pennsylvania is more apealing then staying in maryland?? Demoturd libtards cant govern...get rid of them or all we will have left will be state and fed bussiness/jobs also more higher taxes...

  2. Yeah, it's time to exit Maryland. Nice while it lasted, but we need company profits first.

  3. So 7:49do you think they should forgo profit?its a bussiness. Its not a government entity sucking us dry with taxes..they provide a product for a price...MD poltical climate IS NOT BUSSINESS FRIENDLY

  4. A friend of mine works for the Pa economic authority and they will bend over backwards to get businesses to come there.

  5. Our mayor will bend over backwards but not for a business to relocate to Salisbury!!!

  6. #1 it's obvious they have detected a bit of administrative sprawl. The move likely has little to do with politics.

    #2 are you guys advocating for corporate welfare to get them to stay. Its still your tax dollars being spent

  7. Now that's funny 10:32. Thanks for the laugh!

  8. I'm moving to Georgia!


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