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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Maryland to reportedly abandon $125M ObamaCare exchange for new system

With just days to go before open enrollment ends on March 31, Maryland officials are reportedly planning to abandon its glitch-ridden ObamaCare website and replace the health exchange with technology from Connecticut’s marketplace.

The Washington Post reported late Friday that the board of the Maryland exchange will vote on changing the system that has cost at least $125.5 million at a meeting on Tuesday, the day after the end of the first enrollment period under ObamaCare.



  1. Well, at least they can admit to complete failure and farm it out to somebody who gets it. Even though the ultimate goal is failure in itself.

  2. Just another liberal democratic failure that will will cost us. O'Malley and Obama and every democrat in this State ought to be put in prison for theft.

  3. Okay, I can understand where just using the Federal site would be free. Is someone trying to make us believe now that the site from this other State will be free? A sucker is born every minute and Brown can't resist one.

  4. Here's how it works. Remember when before Obamacare, we, the people, wanted to be able to shop for insurance across state lines, but it was a complete No-no? Remember that it was because of highly different Tort laws? Remember how Tort reform was laughed out of the Senate?

    So now, a bunch of federal bureaucrats decided they can run health insurance businesses better than the health insurance companies.

    Then, a bunch of State bureaucrats saw that it wasn't working, called them stupid, and decided they could run an insurance business better than the Feds AND the insurance companies. They found out, though, that they needed to make a website first, because phones no longer work, and since nobody knew how to make a working website, they had to give up, and buy our insurance across state lines, now that Tort laws were equalized bu the Federal guys.

    So now, we have to buy insurance across state lines and Tort laws are equal, but we have to pay a state agency and a Fed agency to do what we thought was best in the first place, but was impossible.

    You got that?

  5. This has got to be one of the biggest disasters of my life and the Democrats are still acting like nothing is going wrong.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt mathias and conway vote for this waste of 125 million?! I believe conway sponsored the bill to create this mess. Keep voting for them.....lord help us

  7. $125 million down the drain and every penny of it was personally approved by the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Norman Conway. It could not have happened without his approval.

  8. new costs how much?

  9. The fed site is supposed to close after today's deadline.

  10. We should take the $125 million out of O'Malley's and Brown's pensions!


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