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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mansions Of The Lord



  1. Thanks JOE,

    We need more of these videos to show the left their Unconstitutional Wars are needed...

  2. My God , how can we let Obama go on?

  3. We , the leader of the free world , have fallen to a third world society.
    In five short years this so called president has forced us to rebel against each other , civil war is at hand and most turn their heads.
    My prayers have not been answered yet , this evil man is still alive.
    Could he be satan himself in the form of Barrack Obama?

  4. Thank you so much for this. It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

  5. Of course Obama is Satan, didn't you watch the Bible series on TV? The devil is Obama!

  6. i love this. I hope many will watch just as a reminder. it's especially good for those who have Never served in the military. many of our youth need to see...

  7. This is beautiful. But, I guess only whites men and women died in these wars, Only white families shed tears for their love ones who died in these wars. And, I guess their are only white angels in the heavenly mansions.

  8. Burying trained terrorists. I wish they were defending our country instead of attacking and invading those who do not want us there.

  9. Anonymous said...
    We , the leader of the free world , have fallen to a third world society.
    In five short years this so called president has forced us to rebel against each other , civil war is at hand and most turn their heads.
    My prayers have not been answered yet , this evil man is still alive.
    Could he be satan himself in the form of Barrack Obama?

    March 13, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    I agree with you and we have to not forget the people that put him in office, not once, but twice. They are the ones that are scary. They are amongst us in the form of Chuck Cook, Laura Mitchell, Jim Ireton, Julia Glanz, Shanie Shields, Tony Sarbanes, Jimmy Sarbanes, Rick Pollit, Ernie Davis, Kirby Travers, Ron Pagano, Josh Hastings, and the list goes on. You should be ashamed to call them your friends. They are evil people and they have ruined this city and now trying to ruin the County. They hate Republicans and your soft heart might think they are your friends, but you are wrong. They are sheeple who can't think for themselves and they will stab you in the back to move their agenda forward. Beware! Beware! You have been warned.

  10. Anonymous said...
    This is beautiful. But, I guess only whites men and women died in these wars, Only white families shed tears for their love ones who died in these wars. And, I guess their are only white angels in the heavenly mansions.

    March 13, 2014 at 8:06 PM

    You are an idiot. There are black soldiers shown. Their are Hispanic families shown. Their is a biracial girl with her white mother mourning over the grave of her father. You are a pathetic POS.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Burying trained terrorists. I wish they were defending our country instead of attacking and invading those who do not want us there.

    March 13, 2014 at 11:02 PM

    Where was this shown?


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