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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Local Media Attempts To 'Swell Ireton's Downtown Plan' - Backfires

The newly defined Salisbury metropolitan area has expanded. How can the region leverage this?

More cross-border initiatives with Sussex County, Del., initiatives.
Work to connect beach communities to those that are inland in both Maryland and Delaware.
There's no point. Somerset County, Md., and Sussex County, Del., have nothing in common.(Your vote)
There is opportunity to promote tourism better.


  1. You can not be successful trying to ride someone else's success.You can be successful as a subcontractor or vender in someone else's successful enterprise.Nothing wrong with being a cog in successful 'machine'.

    The root of the problem is Salis/Wico do not have a clue of even the basics needed for success.
    And worse, work at hampering and impeding those trying to be productive and successful.

    tc flippo

  2. They also did a big piece on the lower 4 counties working together.

    What took them so long?

    But Sussex ain't stupid. It sees the value in competing with Salisbury.


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