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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Its About Time

The White House will call for the National Security Agency to stop its collection of phone call meta-data. Instead, the Obama administration will propose Congress overhaul the electronic surveillance program. It would have phone companies retain the data for 18 months, giving the NSA access to it only with permission from the secret surveillance court. That proposal is expected this week, according to anonymous sources speaking to the New York Times.


  1. they are not stopping they are just giving us the perception that they are stopping

  2. That's right, it's an election year. Anything to make the Dems look good.

  3. This means absolutely nothing.

  4. You can bet you childs LIFE that the NSA will not stop ANYTHING. You really think they have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on technology, computers, storage, personnel, and even top secret tech that you can't even imagine, but will just keep it in limbo? I've told you before --- they cannot (by law) be prosecuted for ANYTHING they do in the United States. They are a huge monster, unchained and uncontrolled, roaming freely and doing whatever they want. Even the President has very little control over them. And Congress? They LAUGH at Congress. We should be absolutely terrified, but, of course, all they have to say is "there are TERRORISTS out there!" Thats why we MUST record and store EVERY phone conversation (every single one), every text, every e-mail, every conversation picked up on micrphones hidden in hallways, park benches, cars, and planes. Every telegram. Every international call. All internet traffic. Other agencies track our movements through GPS signals in our vehicles, cell phones, and tag readers. Our pictures are taken dozens of times a year and stored FOREVER in police/government sysytems. We are scanned, searched, and X-rayed. This ain't tin-foil hat stuff --- this is REALITY.
    If Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Washington were alive today, they would all have heart attacks over what we've allowed to happen.
    What would alarm them the most??
    Your full-throated, unabated, unabashed cheering.
    Keep cheering.


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