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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Homeland Security Snipers Terrorize Confused Residents During Raid

DHS agents train weapons on innocent neighbors

Department of Homeland Security snipers trained their weapons on frightened residents during a raid on a nearby apartment in East Williamsburg, with neighbors complaining of how they were “utterly confused and frankly terrorized” during the incident.

The combined federal/NYPD drugs bust started in the early hours of Sunday morning when a low flying helicopter startled East Williamsburg and Bushwick residents, before streets were blocked off, preventing people from going home.

“Witnesses spotted a big Department of Homeland Security truck as well as DHS agents toting machine guns as they raided 221 Devoe Street,” reports the Gothamist.



  1. I dred the day the shooting starts our government is getting out of control...we are now all considered criminals

  2. 6:26 There's only an armpit full of democrats here, so your little rant is aimed at the wrong blog genius. And, had you been paying attention, you'd have better guns than them, and more ammo than them. I just bought .22lr yesterday, $300.00 for 20 500 round cases, federal 40grain. It's there, stop being lazy.


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