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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gov. O'Malley's Office Responds To State Health Exchange Audit

Congressman Andy Harris' office confirmed to WBAL News that federal authorities have contacted him about plans to audit the state's health exchange website.

The investigation is to be done by the federal office of the Inspector General.

And Gov. Martin O'Malley's office is defending the website, while criticizing Cong. Harris' opposition.

Gov. O'Malley's press secretary has responded to a request for comment from WBAL News. The following is an email received from the governor's press secretary, Nina Smith:

Cong. Harris, like all Congressional Republicans, is opposed to the Affordable Care Act -- they've voted 50 times to repeal it. But remember, because of the ACA, insurance companies can't deny coverage because of a preexisting condition; they can't drop someone if they get sick, and children can stay on their parents' plans until they're 26.


  1. Maybe the auditors can find out why after all those millions the site continues to crash & burn. My insurance was being cancelled to I had to go through the site. I started in Oct. & after many calls to elected officials, I finally got health insurance late Feb. I guess 5 months of aggravation & stress isn't too much to pay for insurance. I do have to say the officials & contacted were extremely helpful.

  2. Oh please omally. You can shove your lies. All one has to do is go to the MD health care exchange Facebook and see all of the complaints. omally is an incompetent and a nothing. What this all amounts to, is the democrats fouled up royally (as usual) and not a one is a big enough person to admit it, so they blame the GOP. Any democrat in this state who isn't welcoming and encouraging this investigation, publically isn't worth a GD themselves.

  3. O'Malley will call his idol "OBAMA" and this will be taken care of like all the other investigations. No democrat is guilty of anything in Obama's world. Just look at what has happened in the IRS scandal, Benghazi, gun running, Eric Holder lying under oath, etc. The answer is "nothing".

  4. Go, Andy. Thank you. The Maryland exchange is a big mess.

  5. O'Malley is a Democrat which means O'Malley is a liar and supports Obama, another liar.

  6. "Democrats and ONLY DEMOCRATS brought you ObamaCare" !

  7. Way to go WBAL for doing this investigation. I am very impressed.

  8. "Cong. Harris, like all Congressional Republicans, is opposed to the Affordable Care Act -- they've voted 50 times to repeal it. But remember, because of the ACA, insurance companies can't deny coverage because of a preexisting condition; they can't drop someone if they get sick, and children can stay on their parents' plans until they're 26."

    I've got news for you, you stupid liberal BOZO's. Any person 18 - 21 is not a child. I repeat not a child.

    Just because of ACA insurance companies cant drop someone if they have a pre-existing condition or they are sick? Funny how there are news stories every day about people getting dropped from their insurance companies. And just because ACA says what you claim isn't enough for me to say everyone should pay for everyone elses coverage. This Flop from the Kenyan has cost tax payers billions of Dollars.

    Remember Vote Republican

  9. Funny how O'Malley and O'Brownie can send out fuzzy warm press releases every day, but they refuse to respond to this investigation.

    Please, if you have half a brain left please Vote Republican. It's the Democrats that got us into this mess.

  10. This must be why the Carefirst website is down.


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