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Sunday, March 02, 2014


As millions of moms consider digging into pocketbooks for Girl Scout cookies this year, they may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Kokjohn-Poehler in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City.

Kokjohn-Poehler is an out lesbian married to a woman named Ashley Kokjohn. And, given her sexual preference, it may strike some as odd that her job title is "Girl Experience Officer."

Her hiring five months ago was largely missed by the coterie of Girl Scout critics around the country who make the claim that the Girl Scouts have drifted leftward in the past 20 years.


  1. Un Fn REAL..............

  2. Damn two hot lesbians!

  3. I'll be seriously scrutinizing those cookies from now on,just before I gobble down a whole box.

  4. Good for them! Congrats!

  5. Wouldn't a man have given the same perspective?

  6. Just solidify s a reason for not supporting the Girl Scouts the money will be put to better use somewhere else.

  7. That's why I walk right past them when they try to sell me cookies, and I'm not afraid to tell them why I don't buy their cookies anymore.


  8. Sorry girls; no more cookies for me. Not interested in supporting the brainwashing that will follow.

    Really bad call, ladies!

  9. 4:27 PM

    I dont buy them either. If they want to go political, pc, and going against their very reasons for being, I want nothing to do with them, or BSA either for that matter.

  10. Hopefully the boycott will work..none for me this year until they get right..glad i dont have daughters

  11. Oh my god... Really people....grow up...I want to know how many gay and lesbian people work at gas stations and restaurants...are you gonna boycott all of them too....you are seriously gonna treat young girls terrible because the girl scouts hired a person for a job...wow...how ignorance runs rampant...

  12. They should let the lesbians run the boy scouts and the gays run the girl scouts, then everyone's kids will be safe….

  13. Well no more girl cookies for me EVER!!!

  14. Just one more in the long list of once-great American institutions destroyed by the whacked-out anti-American left. Everything that is good is being corrupted, perverted and turned upside down and inside out. Wake the hell up America. We are being destroyed and it's an inside job.

  15. Good Lord! As the BSA goes gay, so does the GSA go Les!
    Time to abandon all that I disagree with, including my President.

    Time to change priorities.

  16. The leaders will be "Snickerdoodeling", in their tents on campout!

  17. 6:35 Wake up fool!
    They hired her (or it) to promote dykism among children. It's not decent to expose young girls to the perversion of homosexuality.
    The very small perverted homo lobby is trying to mainstream their mental illness as normal and teach children wrong is ok. If you agree with this philosophy you are just as mentally challenged.

  18. 8:10 maybe you should get out in the world beyond wicomico county….

  19. I'm done with those girl scout cookies! You can buy the same thing at Dollar General alot cheaper......and I don't care about the organization anymore

  20. 8:37 maybe you should have some morals and beliefs, and stop believing everything is okay because you heard on the mainstream media .

  21. Perverse homosexuality is wrong everywhere 8:37. It is against natural law. Plain and simple, the parts don't fit together to serve the intended purpose. Man and woman. Period.

  22. 7:16 is on target!

    The BSA and GSA have both gone too PC to get any more of my support.

    I have a son and a daughter that agree with me - their children don't belong to these organizations.

  23. 7:16 is correct. Science is like math. It's just plain true.

  24. 7:08 So, if my "morals and beliefs" are based on everyone should be treated with equal respect, regardless of skin color, sexuality, etc... that's ok right? Isn't that what your "book" teaches? You're not even human. Some of these responses on here, regarding gays, blacks and hispanics... well, let's just say, enjoy your time in hell.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh my god... Really people....grow up...I want to know how many gay and lesbian people work at gas stations and restaurants...are you gonna boycott all of them too....you are seriously gonna treat young girls terrible because the girl scouts hired a person for a job...wow...how ignorance runs rampant...

    February 27, 2014 at 6:35 PM

    Do you know what? Free speech is a good thing, while we still have it. The same derogatory statements you make against those who have opposing views from your can also be directed right back at you.

    It's called differing opinions. We all have them, and they are a good thing.

    Attacking someone for having a differing opinion from you is a little childish, don't ya think?

    And your suggestion that others 'grow up', can be sent right back to you also.

    And I even think you are more deserving, but that is just MY opinion.

  26. 10:07 "9:14 Don't be a self righteous hypocrite."

    I'm sorry, you must have me confused with 90% of christians.

  27. 2:52 No I'm talking to you you self righteous hypocrite. Christians would not have your head cut off. Usually you homo lovers also love the Muslims that hate the Christians. They also happen to hate homos and homo lovers. Politics makes strange bed fellows. Don't hate Christians because your ashamed of your homosexuality or your support thereof.

  28. 4:54 Wow. So, because I mind my business, as what these groups do, don't affect me... I'm gay, and muslim? Good one.

    Go pull more crap out of your book, while ignoring the others. Christians use violence, just like all religions, it just doesn't get reported as much (as they label them a group, and ignore the message).

    You are one hateful person. I pity your existence. You may find solace in the other bigots and racists you surround yourself with, but it will bite you one day. Enjoy hell, you should fit right in.

  29. If she does her job well what is the difference?

    1. Please take your "common sense" and "reasonable discourse" elsewhere. Both of those sentiments are not tolerated here.

  30. 11:43 Your love and tolerance comes through brightly in your loving discourse. Again I say HYPOCRITE!

  31. If an agenda wasnt intended then why was it advertised? Yes people from various backgrounds work everywhere..but they aren't bragging about it..they just go to work..so why do they feel the need to..unless they are out to rub our noses in their private business and prove something?

  32. 8:33 Agreed, if I practiced bestiality I would not feel the need to force everyone to accept that or promote "Bestiality Pride Day". The MSM has been the main culprit in America forcing the homo agenda on the public and trying to make homosexuality seem "normal". We would be the first major power in the modern world to try and make homosexuality marriage a national institution. In the ancient world a city-state tried that. It's name was Sodom. It did not go well with them.

  33. 9:01 keep believing that there people that have different views than you do are evil/sick demented. Since you obviously have access to the internet, please do some research on the topic. You might be enlighten to the fact that during the Catholic/Roman empire, sex with male slaves was very common and not frown upon. Until very recently it has not been problematic for the catholic church.

  34. 12:32 Does that make you feel better about yourself?

  35. Anonymous said...
    Good for them! Congrats!

    February 27, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    You are immoral PIG!! Congrats!

  36. My daughter just quit the Girl Scouts and this is the first year I have never stocked up on Mint Thins and I will never eat them again until this country is taken back from the Anti-American Democrats and the Muslim from Kenya is tried for treason. You Kool-Aid drinkers are sick and have a mental illness.


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