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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Former WH Aide Spills the Beans on What It’s Like to Work for Michelle Obama

Working in first lady Michelle Obama’s office turned into a “confining, frustrating, even miserable place to work,” a former White House aide claims in a New Republic article.

Reid Cherlin, former White House assistant press secretary, is calling the first lady’s East Wing the “worst wing” and describing Michelle Obama as demanding and hard to please.

“Perhaps no first lady in recent memory has entered the stately recesses of the East Wing under a higher burden of expectation than Michelle Obama,” Cherlin writes.


  1. This poor guy is in for a world of hurt! telling the truth about the King Obama and his Bit&%$ is not allowed, he could end up dead, or the IRS will make his life a living hell !

  2. While I'm sure it would be easy to rag on Michelle after you no longer work there, a disgruntled employee is a disgruntled employee. I wouldn't take this persons word for nothing. Just my opinion.

  3. If he was a Navy Seal he'd already be dead.

  4. Previous testament from insiders has revealed she is a lifelong racist hater of whites. She has a very distinct victim mentality like her husband.
    She is evil personified and she had to forfeit her license to practice law to avoid prosecution, also like her husband. Not exactly a role model! LOL.

  5. I haven't heard a lot of good things about her since she has been in the white house. I do know that she vacations a lot , spends like a drunken sailor , and acts like her husband.
    Other than that , she may be ok if de bit%#@ would make me a samich , no chitlens.

  6. She looks like the Salt-Eating monster in the Star-Trek series.....

  7. Man does she need a good dentist or what!?

  8. Oh come on Joe. First of all the former employee owned what they are saying by putting their name on their words.
    Secondly anyone who says "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country" is a miserable foul person and miserable foul people are horrible for others to be around.
    We have had and continue to have reason to be proud of this country and the people in it everyday. I feel proud whenever I see people coming together for a cause like when 911 happened and people came together to help in various ways.

  9. Fact is, she's a bitch.

  10. Isn't is just wrong that the MSN never mentions that both of them lost their law licenses years ago. Wouldn't one think that Romney would have at least mentioned it during the debates. I can't believe how people seem to be afraid to say anything negative about these two criminals. If you tell the truth these days you will be called a racist and that needs to change.


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