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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Florida Road Rage Caught On Tape, Crash Goes Viral

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla - A Tampa woman's iPhone video captures a man tailgating her and crashing his truck after he cuts her off.

The video dubbed "instant karma" has garnered more than 1.2 million hits and is making its way around the web.

It happened Monday afternoon on U.S. 41 just north of Gibsonton Drive.


  1. Berlin State Police need new managementMarch 28, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    B/C the Berlin State Police do not do their jobs...I see this type of behavior regularly by two dudes who drive BMW truck and car...They tail gate and than pull in front of you and slam on their brakes; 55 is not fast enough for them...heading East Bound out of Salisbury to Ocean City on Route 50!!!

  2. So... it's obviously okay for her to drive while on her cell phone.

    Yeah... She's so much better.

  3. It's obvious that the guy is a total jackass, but it should be pointed out that the woman is in the left hand (PASSING) lane for an extended period with no traffic in the right lane. Not sure about Florida law, but I know in many states that is a citable traffic offense.

  4. Contrary to MD, people in FL can still use cellphones in their vehicles except for texting unless at a red light, then you can text/read email.

  5. Agree 5:06. Looks to me like TWO drivers to be avoided.

  6. Left lane rog hogs are the problem..inconsiderate morons ...sloerr traffic keep right is the rule on any road...the guy got what he deserved...but she is an ARSE on cell and hogging left lane...must have been a demoturd...cant move right

  7. If the speed limit is 55, any driver can be in the left lane doing 55. If you feel the need to break the law and speed, that is your choice and eventually you will get caught. If you want to drive faster than 55, then move to a state (NC/SC/GA/FL/most of the states on the western half of the country, that have speed limits of 70 or 75 mph. BTW, 5:29 How can you guestimate the political affiliation of someone obeying the law? Most likely it is a republican that obeys the law!

  8. My pet peeve is the side by side drivers. For God's sake, BREAK! Let others through! If you are going the same speed, move right and either lead or follow! Don't just video me.

    This chick must get off on instigating road rage and videoing it.

  9. Is this a Salisbury firefighter? This is how most of them drive!

  10. Anonymous said...
    If the speed limit is 55, any driver can be in the left lane doing 55. If you feel the need to break the law and speed, that is your choice and eventually you will get caught. If you want to drive faster than 55, then move to a state (NC/SC/GA/FL/most of the states on the western half of the country, that have speed limits of 70 or 75 mph. BTW, 5:29 How can you guestimate the political affiliation of someone obeying the law? Most likely it is a republican that obeys the law!

    March 28, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    I get the feeling that this Jack@$$ is a passing lane road hog and thinks they can stay in the passing lane because they are not "breaking the law." It's idiots like you that cause road rage. There are signs that say slower traffic move over. One of these days you are going to piss someone off and I am sure you will be sorry when they start shooting at you. One of these days you will piss off the wrong person. This goes for all passing lane hogs.

    1. I would like to point out that the law is "Keep right, except to pass or turn left." There is no reference to what speed you're going. It's not up to you to keep people from speeding by violating another law. Also, one is permitted a brief acceleration over the speed limit for the purpose of passing. In other words, step on the gas, pass, then move back over to the right lane.

      This guy is a jerk for sure. But she knew what she was doing. What if the guy were trying to get to the hospital, having chest pains or bleeding. More accidents are caused by left lane hogs AND tailgating ( very related) than anything else.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Is this a Salisbury firefighter? This is how most of them drive!

    March 28, 2014 at 8:05 PM

    LMAO. I was thinking the same thing.

  12. 10:45
    Go for it. I have a permit to carry. Do you? You sound like a from here with a GED, a home on wheels and lack the ability to arrive at destination on time without breaking the law! Signs that say slower traffic move over are on the same roads that say the speed limit is 55mph. If i am going less than 55 mph, then I am in the right hand lane.

  13. 11:24
    If you notice in the video she was not even doing 50 MPH.
    Before you start to assume anything about me. Yes I have a home with wheels. I pull it behind my SUV to vacation in the rest of the time I live in a nice home. No I don't have a GED and I'm not sure if I am a come here or a from here. I have lived here longer than where I was born. I chose to move here to get away from arrogant morons like you. Go back across the "ditch". The fact that you brag about having a permit to carry scares me.

    I have to wonder why she had that yellow reflective vest in the vehicle and if she stopped after the accident and wait for police. Isn't that the law that if you are the person behind an accident you are suppose to wait for police.

  14. 1) She was going less than 50 mph
    2) There were two slow trucks in the right lane that she was pacing
    3) She was intentionally blocking the driver behind her
    4) She was enjoying pi$$ing off someone else.

  15. "You sound like a from here with a GED, a home on wheels and lack the ability to arrive at destination on time without breaking the law!"

    Back off, 11:24. No need to be a sneering jackass. Frankly, as a 'from here' who obeys traffic laws, I'm getting a little sick of you 'come heres' who feel the need to drive around town like you're still on the Jersey turnpike. Believe me, you are NOT that important and don't need to drive around in a rage all day.

  16. If you are driving on a highway and not doing the speed limit there is absolutely no excuse not to move over if the right lane is clear. Too many idiots ride in the left lane 4 miles from where they need to turn off the highway. I can even count how many times I have been driving west bound on RT 50 and idiots swerve over from the right lane at 60 ft Road so they can turn south on the 13 bypass.. How ridiculous is that? People that block the left lane and cause traffic to pile up behind them are far more dangerous than someone that drives 65mph..

  17. Iwatched the video twice.That woman was clearly trying to agitate someone.I hope she totals her car while messing with her phone,just hope nobody else gets hurt.

  18. The guy was an idiot but she kept speeding up and is equally to blame for the accident.

  19. Just to clarify...there is no such thing as a "fast lane" or a "passing lane"...the speed limit is the same in BOTH lanes...55mph.

    1. Although the speed limit in both lanes is 55, it's right funny that I've had a police officer pull me over for "ridding the passing lane while there was an open right lane".

  20. 10:45 Anyone who gets "road rage", is pathetic, and not in control of their faculties. That person shouldn't even be allowed to possess a firearm, and is probably too dumb to figure out the use of one, anyway.

  21. I agree with you 3:33 and 3:29. The left lane hogs that match speed with right lane drivers are selfish and self-centered or at the very least inattentive. There seems to be a lot of people in MD that like to be passive aggressive in their driving habits. If you don't want to speed then fine don't but that doesn't mean it's your duty to block traffic. There may or may not be someone driving to the hospital and it is not your right to decide whether they deserve to be able to drive fast. Let the cops do their job. and get out of the way.


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