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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Federalism: The Founders' Legacy

For the first 125 years of our history (1789-1913), America was a country comprised of libertarian politics and conservative cultural values. 

1) Libertarian politics is based upon the fact that man was meant to be free. Thus, his government must be strictly limited by a Constitution rather than determined by the dictates of an autocrat or the passions of the majority. And his economy must be a free marketplace, i.e., laissez-faire capitalism. 

2) Conservative cultural values are based upon the fact that there is an objective moral order in the universe, i.e., certain rights and wrongs in human life that are applicable to all of us for all of time. Man's culture is to be guided by these objective moral values by instilling them into young people at an early age. 

These are the two vital elements that built us into the most desired nation in history – libertarian politics and conservative cultural values. The Founding Fathers believed that if political freedom is to avoid degenerating into license and anarchy, we cannot promote different opinions on morality within the same society, i.e., a "do-your-own-thing" moral philosophy.


  1. "Conservative cultural values are based upon the fact that there is an objective moral order in the universe, i.e., certain rights and wrongs in human life that are applicable to all of us for all of time. Man's culture is to be guided by these objective moral values by instilling them into young people at an early age."

    Tell that to a Democrat. Better yet, tell everyone.

  2. Great read thanks for posting.

  3. Good post. We can return to those cultural values by returning to respect for God our creator. Without that neither political party can reverse America's moral decline. And we certainly won't be able to stop the evil that is Obama. At this point the country deserves him.


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