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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Farrakhan Calls For Separate Judicial Systems For Whites And Blacks

They say there is one justice for whites and another for blacks. When you consider the likelihood that Obama would have been impeached by now if he were not our Historic First Black President, you almost have to agree. Louis Farrakhan — who has confirmed Barbara Walters’s faltering belief that Obama is the Messiah — wants to make the separate justice official:

“We want equal justice under the law,” Farrakhan said on the last day of the Nation of Islam’s annual convention, held in Detroit this year. “Our people can’t take much more. We have to have our own courts. You failed us.”

Farrakhan suggested that African Americans rely on the Quran and Bible to help set up their own legal system that would be more fair to African Americans.



  1. I agree completely with the blacks that support this. BUT, we should have separate prison systems too. AND while were are at it separate schools too! It is clear most blacks learn at a different pace than whites. Hence the greater the number of blacks in the prison system. It is only fair to cater to them and not hold back those that achieve at a faster pace.
    It is good to see blacks acknowledge that these changes are needed to make the races better and more equal.

  2. They have a separate system now.
    They beat and kill whites without any serving time .
    The MSM has doesn't report on their crimes.
    They steal from the government , they steal from the states , they steal from all society.
    What a load of crap from a racist black leader.

  3. Soooooo... they fight for integration... yet, now want segregation again? Nutsy

  4. Actually, this might be a good idea. Appoint the good Doctor Ben Carson as head of the judiciary system. Think Mr. FarraCon has something here!

  5. These self appointed "leaders" would be the nothings that they really are if the media would stop promoting them.


  6. Farrakhan needs to get back on the "Mother Ship" he is always talking about...what a loon!

  7. That Mother Ship the one that brought him over here? Then, by all means!

  8. Mr. Farrakhan also states that "we" have failed black people. That they can no longer stand by while they are being shot by people who claim they are standing their ground. He doesn't comment on the black mob violence against whites of course. He then goes further to state that white "slave masters" should fund blacks for 20 years in their new states. He also wants an end to taxation on African-Americans if a separate state is not created. He feels that "separate but equal" schools divided by race should be set up, and that all Nation of Islam prisoners should be released from jail. And then they want an end to all the police brutality and "mob attacks" against the so-called Negro throughout the United States.

    I'm not sure what he means by the "so-called Negro" comment. And how does he separate mixed race people? And again, when he mentions the "mob attacks" against blacks, he never mentions the "mob attacks" against whites. I guess they are inconsequential.

    I'm all for the separation. One race can take the east coast and one can take the west. But where would we put the mixed race people. And where would "other" race people go? Which coast would get the Latinos? How about the Polish, or the Irish, or the Russians? Kind of throws a monkey wrench in the plan, huh.

    Maybe we should just separate by religion. We can put the Christians on one coast and the Muslims on the other coast. Oh, but wait, what do we do with the Hindus, or the Jewish, or better yet, the Atheists? Who gets them?

    Oh, what a quandary this separation thing would create. I won't even comment on the "slave masters" financing this project except to say I am just about sick of financing anyone other than my darn self. It is all I can do to eat these days, and I hate to say it, but I seem to have developed an addiction to eating. I like to do it at least once a day. This is all just my opinion, much like Mr. Farrakhan's, and you all know what they say about opinions. Everybody has one.


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