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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eric Holder: Felons Should Regain Voting Rights, Says It’s Unfair To Blacks

Felons who have served their sentences shouldn’t be blocked from voting by state laws that disproportionately affect minorities, Attorney General Eric Holder said.

“These restrictions are not only unnecessary and unjust, they are also counterproductive,” Holder said in remarks today in Washington. “These laws deserve to be not only reconsidered but repealed.”

Holder’s push for restoring voting rights of felons is the latest change he’s seeking in long-standing criminal justice policies that he has said do nothing to make Americans safer and have steep costs.


  1. This guy makes me sick. He should be fired by Congress.

  2. I am fed up with this racist and his pro black agenda.if it was the other way around there would be an outrage...isn't there more whites in jail...YES So where is that outrage.

  3. Next he will want to change the laws because the laws are "unfair to blacks", what an idiot and a trouble maker.

  4. Hmmmmmm more minority paid votes.

  5. Maybe they should have thought about that before they became FELONS? Oh, that's right...it's not their fault.

  6. Isn't holder half white like obama.

  7. If they're going to be able to vote, they should have to do jury duty!

  8. this guy does not legislate or dictate...but he does steal all he can. His Vanguard Fund is a disgrace with his own revenues from his Prison factories being a part of the investments.. along with the profits from the Private Prison contracts he dispenses --since when does the Attorney General run commercial operations? Just look up Unicor.

  9. Is this after they served their time and paid debt to society? Then maybe... Or while serving sentence..def hell NO...

  10. Just stay out of prison

  11. and restore gun ownership rights also.

    when one has done their time it is supposed to be over, not punished for the rest of their life.


  12. ......and the horse he rode in on!

  13. Lock that SOB up with the Big "O"

  14. Next he'll want felons to have their gun rights reinstated.


  15. You can make a genuine case for a discussion about what a felony should be; about what restrictions, including loss of vote, should be after release, and so on. What changes we should make to benefit society.

    But that's not his motive. He wants to add to the mailing list of 'voters' who can be manipulated, or just fraudulently used to cast votes.

    If these characters were so civic minded they probably wouldn't have ended up behind bars.

    Along the same line, they probably would have already been registered to vote, and wouldn't have been purged from the lists. And if they were on the lists he'd already be getting their 'votes' cast, bars or not.

    Holder is our worst ever AG, and is making Janet Reno & John Mitchell look like paragons!

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Next he'll want felons to have their gun rights reinstated.

    March 10, 2014 at 8:52 PM

    They should be. Not every felony is an ax murderer.

  17. Just remember folks, this statement is coming from a felon. He's going to look out for his cohorts and get some more democrat votes to boot.

  18. If these characters were so civic minded they probably wouldn't have ended up behind bars.

    Along the same line, they probably would have already been registered to vote, and wouldn't have been purged from the lists. And if they were on the lists he'd already be getting their 'votes' cast, bars or not.

    Holder is our worst ever AG, and is making Janet Reno & John Mitchell look like paragons!

    March 10, 2014 at 9:08 PM

    you forget about the corrupt prosecutors who abuse their position and lock up innocents as well as lab workers who falsify lab test results, which in turn has locked up thousands of illegally convicted 'felons'.

    Not to mention the lawmakers themselves are not squeaky clean.

    People in power will use any tactic they can to restrict or take away our rights. Including, but not limited to, scare tactics, labels, etc.

    Here's a question for someone to answer, factually. How many felons have recommitted crimes using a firearm versus first time offenders?

  19. Another One of Obama's Executive Orders coming out....the poor black criminalMarch 16, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    It will pass soon


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