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Sunday, March 16, 2014


On Monday at The New York Meeting, Dr. Ben Carson said he does not believe in gun registration because America's massive debt could transform the nation into a third-world country in which martial law may be imposed.

Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who has been getting buzz in conservative circles, said that he changed his mind and was against gun registration because of the "sinister internal forces" that could surface in that scenario. He said he "used to think they needed to be registered, but if you register them they just come and find you and take your guns."

"If we were only concerned about external forces, then we would be okay," he said. "But there are some pretty sinister internal forces."



  1. All aboard the looney bus!

    For as high as this guy's IQ is he says some really dumb things. Just goes to prove that intelligence doesn't necessarily translate to smart ideas.

  2. 12:13 and you must be driving it. How long have you been out of the liberal nut house?

  3. 12:13 The the man has a valid concern and I share his thoughts. Obama is a very power hungry person and a Socialist.

  4. In case you were not aware of it, Obama has already declared Martial Law. Did he NOT say he would run the government by executive order?? Only a fool could mistake what he meant.

  5. 12:13 Are you on drugs? Or, just asleep at the wheel, like most American'ts?

  6. 12:13.....you need to start paying more attention to current events. Explain these FACTS, then ridicule the messengers --- our Department of Homeland Security (an INTERNAL police force) buys BILLIONS of rounds of ammo that is banned for international use (target practice with THAT much ammo would last for decades and why do they need HIGH-POWERED rifle ammo?). U.S civilian police practicing and coordinating CIVIL SUPPRESSION in United States cities (do the civilian police ANTICIPATE the need to suppress and control some American cities and do they think they need the help of the U.S Marines?!?). Obama, signing several executive orders that will allow him to, upon his command ONLY -- as in "dictator" --- control all the transportation (as in, "no one better be on the highways or we shoot"), communication (as in cutting off cell phones), all energy networks and delivery systems (as in "no electric supplies to the Eastern Shore of Maryland until they "comply"). These FACTS are open source documents. The explanation for them is NOT so much. And you say.....??? please don't come up with anything like 'tin-foil hat' stuff. TRUTH doesn't have several "versions". Rationalizations by yes-men and sheep, perhaps, but only one "version".

  7. 1:46 Good point. He is doing just that with the Socialist Obamacare law. When he nationalizes your IRAs and puts limits on your savings withdrawals, then maybe people will wake up.

  8. You really need to cut your caffine consumption Imclain.

  9. It's "Caffeine". Another product of our "dumbed down" school system..

  10. I hope he runs for President.

  11. 2:05 PM

    You forgot to mention HHS's recent purchase of explosives, and of the type that are not normally ordered.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You really need to cut your caffine consumption Imclain.

    March 12, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    Maybe YOU need to increase yours so you can wake up.

  12. 3:20....Refute what I said. Even better, justify it. Anyone who says the administration is not preparing for large civil unrest (over food, energy, hyperinflation, historical trends, etc., etc., pick one or more) is simply being willfully ignorant, or is not paying attention. Mine Resistant Armored Troop carriers? REALLY?

  13. OATH KEEPER MEMBER...March 12, 2014 at 7:13 PM

    I will never surrender my ARMS to the Government or anyone else...

  14. Chuck Cook said...

    All aboard the looney bus!

    For as high as this guy's IQ is he says some really dumb things. Just goes to prove that intelligence doesn't necessarily translate to smart ideas.

    March 12, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    Chuck Cook you and Jim Ireton are two of the most racist white Democrats I know. Remember when you bought your new pistol and you said it was for your daughters dates when she got older!

  15. Imclain 2:05 PM don't forget Obama is controlling the internet and smart meters.

  16. Chuck Cook said...

    You really need to cut your caffine consumption Imclain.

    March 12, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    You need to go back to worrying about your Homo Pansy friends and same sex marriage.

  17. Anonymous said...
    You really need to cut your caffine consumption Imclain.

    March 12, 2014 at 3:20 PM


  18. lmclain said...
    3:20....Refute what I said. Even better, justify it. Anyone who says the administration is not preparing for large civil unrest (over food, energy, hyperinflation, historical trends, etc., etc., pick one or more) is simply being willfully ignorant, or is not paying attention. Mine Resistant Armored Troop carriers? REALLY?

    March 12, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    I agree

  19. Back to Dr. Carson, Obama will never even be half the man Carson is.
    There is no comparison between these people. (notice I didn't say men as only Ben is a man here) Obama is little league and Carson is world class major league.
    Obama is a con artist and a fraud and Carson surgically repairs BRAINS. Obama is a smoke and mirrors used car salesman and Carson is a high capacity, high intelligence technical marvel with surgical instruments and theory in practice.
    One is real, benevolent, caring, honest and sincere. Obama is a just a liar and a racist community rable rouser that will lie, cheat, steal, deceive, defraud, defy, defer the truth at every opportunity.
    Nuff said.

  20. "Applause" for 12:52.!!


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