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Friday, March 14, 2014

Detectives Arrest Smyrna Woman For Murder

Location: 2000 block of Bryn Zion Road, Smyrna, DE

Dates of Occurrence: June 3, 2013 to September 16, 2013


James D. Baker II, 42, Smyrna, DE

Defendant, Charges, and Bond Information:

Jamie L. Baker, 44, Smyrna, DE (Photo Attached)
Murder 1st
Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony

Arraigned at JP7 and committed to Delores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution without bail.

Smyrna, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a 44 year old Smyrna woman in connection with the death of her husband.

The investigation began on September 16, 2013 when troopers and medical personnel were called to the 2000 block of Bryn Zion Road for a death investigation. Upon arrival, James D. Baker II was located by his wife, Jamie L. Baker, deceased in the bedroom. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner also responded to the residence to transport Mr. Baker to their office in order to conduct an autopsy. Evidence which consisted of pills, syringes, and a box containing several bottles of liquid steroids were collected at the scene by state police detectives.

An autopsy was performed on James Baker and it was discovered that his kidneys had a substance suspected to be Ethylene Glycol, which is a chemical found in anti-freeze. The bottles of steroids were then sent to a laboratory to be tested and all found to positively contain Ethylene Glycol. The medical examiner ruled the manner of death a homicide by poisoning.

Detectives continued to conduct comprehensive interviews and were able to determine that James Baker ordered the steroids back in June of 2013 through the internet and would have them delivered to a friend. The two of them would divide up the bottles between themselves and Baker would take his back to his residence in Smyrna where he would place them in a locked toolbox in a closet.

On Thursday March 13, 2014, detectives executed a search warrant at the residence on Bryn Zion Road. Jamie Baker was contacted at the residence and eventually provided information that she had used a hypodermic syringe to extract anti-freeze from a container that was stored in the garage. Once she gathered the chemical, she injected several bottles of the steroids.

Jamie Baker was transported to Troop 3 where she was charged with Murder 1st and Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony. She was arraigned at JP7 and committed to DJBWCI where she is being held without bail.


  1. See it's not always the man that is the problem in a relationship. These judges need to start considering the cases better because about 99% of the divorce cases go to the woman because men are always looked down on as a bad abusive husband. This is proof that it is not always the case.

  2. Kudo's to the OCME for detecting the anti-freeze.

  3. What was her motive?

  4. That woman looks like she'd cut your head off and throw it right in your face.

  5. 12:02, I think you might was to re THINK that comment again. How can you cut someones head off and throw it in their face?????

  6. That actually was a joke.

  7. Looks like she didn't do much research about antifreeze poisoning or think ahead that an autopsy would be performed on a 42 year old unexplained death victim.

    Or did she?

    Prepare yourselves for a Lifetime channel movie.

  8. Battered women syndrome sounds like a good defense. The guy was full of steroid rage. She feared him and had no where to turn. So many cops buys steroids from him she did not know who to trust. What a shame. This lady will walk if she is smart enough to get a good attorney. What What just mad that crap up lol. It is sad every liberal ass reading was crying for this murderous scank.

    Never believe what you read

  9. RED-HEADS are always a HOT NUMBER....never make them mad....just please them in the sheets

  10. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy...

  11. Are you sure that is not a man?

  12. for sure said...
    RED-HEADS are always a HOT NUMBER....never make them mad....just please them in the sheets

    March 14, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    Not this one. There isn't enough beer and Viagra to make me even think about it.

  13. I actually knew this couple for years and had first hand knowledge from her husband himself of his roid use. As his use progressed he began to become paranoid. She became depressed and they started fighting. Tragic, she should have went to a shelter, but I guess she finally snapped after the situation progressed over the period of five years


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