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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Deputy: ‘Oh God, Forgive Me!’

Officer weeps after shooting 70-year-old man with cane

— The York County Sheriff’s deputy who shot a 70-year-old man reaching for his cane during a traffic stop last month wept and begged God to forgive him after he fired about six shots at the man, according to the deputy’s dash cam video released Wednesday afternoon.

During a news conference at the York County Detention Center, Sheriff Bruce Bryant said deputies reviewed video of the incident “time and time and time again” and feel that Deputy Terrance Knox did nothing wrong when he fired his service weapon during a traffic stop on U.S. 321 in Clover at about 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25. He also said he does not believe the victim, Bobby Canipe of Lincolnton, N.C., did anything “intentionally” wrong when he stepped out his car and began walking toward Knox while grabbing his walking cane.

Still, Bryant said he plans to speak with the state General Assembly and state Sheriff’s Association and push for legislation requiring state and even federal highway officials to add instructions in driver’s manuals on what to do when motorists are stopped by police officers.



  1. Made me cry. When did we all automatically start being treated like criminals? When was it decided and taught to officers that we were all automatically killers?
    One simple mistake and you end up shot?
    I understand the cops confusion in the matter, how sad for everyone involved.

  2. Is ole Al Sharpton on this one , black officer shoots 70 year old white man.

  3. Should be titled Officer murders 70 year old man. A badge does NOT allow an officer to murder.

  4. 3:27,

    And upon realizing his mistake is overcome with crushing grief, imploring the lord and the old man to forgive him for what he did. Why do you have to be so ignorant? Stop looking for race problems.

  5. Still, Bryant said he plans to speak with the state General Assembly and state Sheriff’s Association and push for legislation requiring state and even federal highway officials to add instructions in driver’s manuals on what to do when motorists are stopped by police officers.

    REALLY???? Maybe they should put something in the police manuals about how not to shoot innocent people? Cop is in a gots to go situation period.

  6. Again, another cop murder, on video even!
    There was no gun, no reason for this poor excuse for a peace officer to fire a deadly weapon.
    You can't murder someone in "self defense" until you see them point/aim a gun at you!
    YOU HAVE TO SEE A GUN! Not a cane like here and in Princess Anne... not a hose nozzle, not a lighter, not a set of keys, not a pack of gum or a chrome colored can. A GUN.
    Cops are paranoid when statistics do not justify it AT ALL.
    They claim they put their lives on the line and keep that falsehood going in the community when in fact FARMERS have a more dangerous job.
    The 10 Deadliest Jobs and COPS are not on the list:

    1. Logging workers
    2. Fishers and related fishing workers
    3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
    4. Roofers
    5. Structural iron and steel workers
    6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
    7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
    8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
    9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
    10. Construction laborers


  7. Is this a great country or what ! People wake up !

  8. I do not understand the cops response. Really, how many times a day is someone pointing a gun at them?
    This jackboot response it out of hand

  9. in his 70 yrs, he never knew that when an officer stops you, you just sit and wait for him to walk up to the car ? what, was he gonna walk back to the patrol car and ask him waht he wanted ?

  10. 8:42 Obviously you are young and stupid. 30 years ago it was standard operating procedure to get out of the vehicle, grab your wallet and greet the officer with your license in hand...

  11. I guess it's shoot first and ask questions later? I'll not be pulling over for an any more traffic stops, I'll drive to the police station. Although nothing in this video says to me that they won't just shoot me there, either.

    Idiot trigger happy bastards is all they are. Maybe the best move is just to shoot them first when pulled over?

  12. That cop needs to be an ex-cop today, and never own a firearm the rest of his life.

  13. SO did this happen 30 yrs ago or recently ? 10:12... jerk.

  14. I say let cops ONLY protect and serve other cops and their families; the rest of you can go to hell and deal with all the B.S. and street trash on your own. After about a month of crimes and murders at the hands of poor misunderstood and underprivileged young black youths you people will be begging for more police presence..........begging, like the sheeple you are. Booh-hoo, is that the Wambulance I hear?

  15. From "Treasure Island": "Them that dies will be the lucky ones."

  16. 12:14 HA HA!! Thats all they do now!
    Include the politicians and some Government employees and you hit the nail on the head!
    I guess you're OK with them just killing people for 38 in a 30?

  17. 10:43, are you SERIOUS? You are okay with this new way to pull people over??? You are okay with being shot for exiting your vehicle? This is okay with you?

    I am shocked at thinking that half the citizens around me might think this way. The same shock I felt after the 2012 elections...

  18. Yes, I remember the days when you grab your license and when back to the officer. Would I ever do that today? No way. This is a tragedy, but I have watched the video three times and I find no fault with the officer's response . I was in Utah last month, and a deputy was killed when he stopped to assist a disabled vehicle. The officer was still in his car running the tag when the back glass on the pickup slid open and he was shot dead by a hunting rifle. This guy killed another officer the same day before he was caught. At night, the cane did appear initially like a long gun. Just stay in the car and keep your hands on the wheel, and above all follow the officer's commands so he does not fear for his safety. I feel for both sides in this one.

  19. --10:43-- You just don't get it, do you.?? You are clueless about old folks. The older ones don't expect to be shot in cold blood by a cop. We always respected them and it was mutual. It is hard to adjust to this NAZI culture.

  20. "....fear for his safety."
    The police are ALWAYS afraid. They walk around afraid. They assume that each citizen is a potential killer. Thats how they end up MURDERING (thats the proper term, by the way) dozens, if not hundreds, of UNARMED men, women, and children every year.
    And don't EVER forget, these crimes are condoned and excused by the State's Attorney and judges across the nation.
    If you or I did what the police regularly do (gang beat unarmed kids into comas, confine, handcuff, and then mace women -- for the fun of it, shoot unarmed citizens to death, etc.) WE (the people) would be talking to you from a prison cell. If you are THAT afraid of doing what you VOLUNTEERED to do, find another job. Maybe something that would suit you better, like a dressing room attendant for a transgender clothing store (as long as your boyfriend wouldn't get angry at that)..
    It sickening that so many people's BEST advice is, when encountering those that claim to SERVE you, don't move. Your SERVANT may kill you for it. You go to the morgue. Your killer goes home for dinner.
    Restraint? Minimum use of force? Emotional stability? Things of the past.
    The new operational philosophy? Be ready to kill. For any reason and for no reason. But fear is always a good excuse. Man up, you short little sissies. Quit killing everyone because you are so damn afraid of everything.

  21. Let god sort em out.

  22. I just witnessed a murder in cold blood. Period. There is no other explanation. Pulling that cane out, the killer left no time to identify the object as a cane, he just started shooting without identifying. Even if it had been a long gun, there was plenty of time to I.D. one or the other before he had time to aim and shoot.

    Murder, in front of his wife. Sorry, but you get a life sentence or the death penalty, depending on your State Laws.

  23. for all the tough guys and heroes hiding behind their keyboards, go to youtube and do a search for "Kyle Dinkheller". After you watch the video come back and tell me that Deputy Knox did the wrong thing by shooting this man. The video of Dinkheller is hard to watch as you listen to him scream for help and listen to him dying.

    In this video, as that cane came up and you could see it through the back window it looks like the barrel of a shotgun or rifle. No, he doesnt have to wait until a gun is actually pointed at him before he can fire, because if a gun is pointed at him then a round can be fired at him, if a round can be fired then he could be dead or incapacitated and the fights over before he can defend himself.

    I've said it over and over again and I'll say it again. If you think you can do this job better than the officers already working the streets, what are you waiting for? Get online and submit your application to the State Police, the Sheriff's office or your local Police Department.

    And for all the people calling this murder, that would mean that the 70 year old man died as a result of being shot by Deputy Knox. But he didn't die and was expected to be OK.

    Please don't get me wrong. I feel sorry for the elderly gentleman and his family - and Deputy Knox. This is a very unfortunate incident, and in no way do I want innocent people to be harmed or killed. But when you fail to follow the commands or directions of an officer in this type of contact, AND you reach into a vehicle, AND you are pulling out of the vehicle what in a split second looks like a shotgun or rifle then bad things may happen to you.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the elderly gentleman, his family, and Deputy Knox and his family.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Made me cry. When did we all automatically start being treated like criminals? When was it decided and taught to officers that we were all automatically killers?
    One simple mistake and you end up shot?
    I understand the cops confusion in the matter, how sad for everyone involved.

    March 15, 2014 at 2:42 PM

    Because thousands of police officers have been shot and murdered because of people of all ages and races. We live in a criminal society and you can't trust anyone. When you are pulled over stay in your car and put your hand on the steering wheel. What don't you understand.

    Baltimore City just had a police office shot numerous times while sitting in his personal truck. This officer was targeted by a thug with a large rap sheet. You soft hearted liberals think it's ok for criminals to roam the streets. They targeted this cop and shot him when he was defenseless. Until you become a police officer and put in their situations you don't have a right to criticize them. YOU are at fault for voting for Democrats. Every Democrat you voted for is the problem locally as well as the State and Federal levels. They are the ones turning this into a Police state. They are the ones passing laws to protect the criminals and not the innocent.

  25. Anonymous said...

    And upon realizing his mistake is overcome with crushing grief, imploring the lord and the old man to forgive him for what he did. Why do you have to be so ignorant? Stop looking for race problems.

    March 15, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    I cried for the police officer and the old guy. I cried when I heard them pleading for forgiveness and the lord to help them. They are human and yes he was a black officer. I don't think for one minute he shot a white man based on race. I am sure he was a good cop and meant know harm.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Again, another cop murder, on video even!
    There was no gun, no reason for this poor excuse for a peace officer to fire a deadly weapon.
    You can't murder someone in "self defense" until you see them point/aim a gun at you!
    YOU HAVE TO SEE A GUN! Not a cane like here and in Princess Anne... not a hose nozzle, not a lighter, not a set of keys, not a pack of gum or a chrome colored can. A GUN.
    Cops are paranoid when statistics do not justify it AT ALL.
    They claim they put their lives on the line and keep that falsehood going in the community when in fact FARMERS have a more dangerous job.
    The 10 Deadliest Jobs and COPS are not on the list:

    1. Logging workers
    2. Fishers and related fishing workers
    3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
    4. Roofers
    5. Structural iron and steel workers
    6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
    7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
    8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
    9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
    10. Construction laborers


    March 15, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    You are an ass. By the time it takes to figure out a cane isn't a gun it's to late. If a police office wastes a split second they are dead. Bottom line is you shouldn't point anything at a police officer. Nothing should be in your hands. Nothing should cause you to reach in your pockets. Quit being a cop hater.

  27. Anonymous said...
    8:42 Obviously you are young and stupid. 30 years ago it was standard operating procedure to get out of the vehicle, grab your wallet and greet the officer with your license in hand...

    March 15, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    You are stupid. It was never an SOP. What a jerk off. We did it 30 years ago because we lived in a safer country then. Thanks to you for voting for Democrats we live in a criminal environment.

  28. IMCLAIN sometimes you make me puke. You have some good views at times, but your hatred of cops is disgusting. Something tells me you have had a run in with the law.


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