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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Brown Proposes Dream Act Fund; Gansler Unveils Jobs Plan

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown is proposing to create a student loan fund to help students who are not legal residents pay for college.

Brown, who is running in the Democratic primary for governor, announced the policy proposal on Thursday in Silver Spring.

Maryland voters approved the state's version of the Dream Act in a ballot question in 2012. It enables students who are in the U.S. illegally to pay in-state tuition in Maryland, if they can show they or their parents paid state income taxes.



  1. I have a better idea. Just skip the college tuition payment, and make them MDs? At least this will give us more doctors and they can provide the quality care the affordable care act calls for.

  2. Supporting the illegals - the Democrat way to get votes!

  3. How about a fund for legal residents to be freed from these stupid liberals

  4. 2 more nut jobs who will act like o'failly...

  5. how about the md resident students that can not afford to pay for college?

    Am I the only one that is sick of this crap?

  6. employees saving for their own training..... yea, like there will be any money left over after I get done paying all those arbitrary taxes.

  7. Liberal scum. SUCESSION NOW!

  8. I can't understand why anyone would vote for either of these jerks!

  9. let's see free stuff or work? I don't know but I'm betting most of the aholes in this state will pick the free stuff over working!
    go figure!

  10. There is a better way (to quote Barrie Tilghman) --

    it's Craig for Governor.

  11. These are the only 2 to choose from? We are doomed!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 28, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    Oh Sheepie, just follow Anthony Brown into that Dark Tunnel with no light in sight, its miserable and it stinks - it seems as he is stuck in OweMalleys Rear End Again.

  13. how about making an american dream act called "getting rid of the leeching parasite illegals"

  14. 10:23 they are the two Democrats running for the primary. Please don't tell me you vote, get informed.

  15. So we have the Treasury and Comptroller asking for $100M to be be reinstated in the pensions, while Omalley has raided the pension to fund god knows what and Brown wanting to give more to illegals. Succession or revolt?...which one do you think will happen first!

  16. Well this stupid move might get him elected. After all we live in a Blue State and the Majority voted for Obama and O'Malley.


  17. 2 similar flavors of the same BS!

  18. Gansler has broken the laws of this State --provided alcohol to minors and has driven recklessly --just what we need another idiot disrespecting Governor

  19. Brown works fast! His Obamacare site is already $30M in the hole and he's promising to fund a Dream fund already. Maryland will have a bigger deficit than the country by the time the election rolls around.

    I can't understand why more people don't realize that both these people ARE part of O'Malley's government. Why anyone would consider things getting better when the team players don't change.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Gansler has broken the laws of this State --provided alcohol to minors and has driven recklessly --just what we need another idiot disrespecting Governor

    March 2, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    You must be part of Brown's Dream Team. I notice you didn't denounce his tax and spend idea for more Democrat/illegal alien votes.

    Is that you Chuck?


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