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Sunday, March 16, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Department of Legislative Services Issues Scathing Audit Report For Wicomico County Public School System - Numerous Infractions Cited

The Maryland Department of Legislative Services just released its latest audit for the Wicomico County Public School System.  The last time the school system was audited was in 2008.

First off - there are so many infractions I don't hardly know where to begin.  But here are some of the highlights:

  • WCPS Credit Card Purchases totaled $162,000 from local fast food or restaurant merchants over a 2 year period.   However, the State standard prohibits purchases from restaurants and gift cards.

  • Gift card purchases - 250 potential gift cards totaling $27,000 (Gift cards are prohibited by State policy as they are difficult to control). 

  • School employees being arbitrarily promoted skipping incremental pay grades - i.e. 25 increases in which the methodology was not used, resulting in additional annual wages totaling approximately $69,000.  One employees salary went from $28,957 to $37,908 which is $8,951 more than required under the method specified in the agreement.

  • School bus contractors padding mileage resulting in overpayment of services.  Then - even after discovering the abuse, the overpayment was deducted from future earnings.  The WCPS - 'did not always ensure the accuracy of bus contractor reported time and mileage information . . .'

  • Food Services - Operations revenues exceeded expenses by $508,000, while revenue transfers were conducted from the general fund.  This was not just limited to a 1 year occurrence - but several times.

  • Schools lacked procedures and controls to ensure the propriety of payments for certain employee and retiree health care costs.

  • Lacking internal controls in several financial areas - specifically in regards to ensure that payroll transactions processed were proper. 

  • WCPS self-insured medical plan was not included in the OLA audit - although payments to the administrator totaled 25.8 million in plan year 2012, including a 1.4 million fee paid for the administrator.
I could go on and on - even so far as critiquing the bidding practices for contractural work like A&E services.  You have to see it to believe it - here is the link to the actual OLA Audit Report - (click onto Link to see Audit).

Article by SBYnews Executive Editing Staff

We cannot encourage you enough to take the time to READ the entire document. What I will say is, the audit was very well drafted and NOT difficult at all to follow. You simply have to take the time to read it. Once you do, you will probably see the largest amount of comments we've ever seen, (should everyone actually read it). The Board of Education is OUT OF CONTROL. Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, the BOE is the largest portion of the tax payers budget.


  1. SO what? Nothing will be done to stop this mis-managment.They knew the laws before hand let them abusing the policy go on.Fire them all starting at the top.

  2. Dr. Freddy might have some 'splaning to do here!

  3. Does anyone know how we the tax payers can force an open meeting to address these infractions in a pubic forum?

  4. As Bill Duval used to say;

    'They Don't Call It the Lawless Teachers Union for Nothing'

    Somehow, I believe Frederickson has a lot of explaining to do - particularly with the BOE budget just around the corner.


  6. How is it that the A&E services are exempted out of the competitive bid process? That alone should send a wake-up call for a forensic audit!

  7. This has to be the best source of media in the entire Country. And that is saying a lot.

    I want to personally thank Salisbury News for this award winning Pulitzer piece of journalism. If I were to assign a Grade it would be A++

  8. 10:02.
    Thousands of citizen's physically close the board of Education.
    Parents and children boycott schools.
    Teachers union representatives are confronted by hundreds of people, at work or home or wherever they are. All the while demanding accountability from the Board of Education.
    The mainstream media that has refused to report the truth. They have become the "CRONY MEDIA" for allowing these stories to be covered up and disguised by corrupt officials.

    General strike and peaceful civil action is the only way to effect change.
    So go organize it and get thousands of people to show up.

    1. Now that sounds like a logical answer, showing up at peoples' homes....

    2. Show up at my house and see what you get!

  9. I agree nothing will be done! Teachers unions have ruined the education system! They will talk about elected school boards again and do nothing! People retire from the county and then get rehired so they can keep their insurance ! Wicomico County has been out of control for some time but people DONT CARE! They are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars and Survivor!

  10. That's why they wouldn't allow the tax payers of Wicomico County to see the budget for the Board of Education when we asked for justification for the property tax increases. This is another example of taxation without representation! This is definitely outrageous. Truly hope something comes out of this. This is stealing from the tax payers. They have violated the public trust!

  11. Let's see if the local media picks up on this story, or will they try to bury it like they usually do? Hope there is a real public outcry about this.

  12. This newspaper continually impresses me more and more each day. My wife has been complaining about my going to the computer to much, guess I'll have to buy another one.

  13. To 10:15 - I AGREE!

    Where in the hell is all of the other media. This is front page news on even State & Regional magnates.

  14. But it's for the kids...

  15. What is the purpose for the teachers union anyway? They have a very detailed and established pay grade, state health care benefits, great retirement plan and 2-3 months plus a couple dozen holidays/"professional" days off each year. Their benefits won't be denied simply because it would never happen and their pay scales are so detailed that every teacher knows exactly when they will get a pay raise or what continuing education they need to get a raise regardless of actual performance in the classroom. A friend of mine is a teacher in Delaware (Teaching is actually his third job) and he was highly pressured by other teachers and administration to join the teachers union when he was hired. Being a rather conservative republican, he declined to join. Now most teachers in the union look down on him, won't even talk to him and he doesn't get invite to the teacher drunkfests during the Christmas and Summer breaks. Seems like the union is more of a cult then an actual union.

  16. READ THE ENTIRE REPORT!!!! It is just amazing how arrogant Fredericksen's response is. Because the BOARD approved everything, there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY.

  17. I have been discussing this with my council rep. for years. NEVER trust the school system. They always pull crap like this and should Always be watched. After all this is MY money being wasted. Is it yours???
    By the way, many years ago a retired school superintendent who knew about these things told me this. This is why I was always saying to keep a watch and make the school system show how they are spending our hard earned dollars. No one seemed to understand. Well now I hope you get it. It's about time. Again; NEVER trust the school system, they lie...

  18. need everyone in leadership position in Executive's office replaced. They continue to prove how worthless they are. We elected a bureaucrat as Exec..he is no Exec and no leader and that Wayne guy sure isn't showing his "great" business skills....things are looking better for Bob Culver all the time. As far as BOE - they are and have been out of control...maybe this will be the death knell for their leadership too. We need to take back our county from these losers.

  19. Well, you can thank Michelle Wright for allowing all of this to happen. We published years ago that she would stay on as a Board Member until Fredericksen was retain for another term and drop out immediately following the vote. Fredericksen would have certainly been replaced if she hadn't done this to the County taxpayers.


  20. This frustrates the hell out of me. Every year the teachers hold the taxpayers over a barrel using the kids as their golden egg. It's not for the kids, it's for greed and personal gain. The average person would go to jail over infractions like this, but as usual, they'll get a slap on the hand and it will all be forgotten in a couple of months.
    Thanks Joe for bringing these facts to us because nobody else has the nerve to tell the truth. One thing for sure, this is an independent audit and no one can say that it is any kind of biased propaganda. Numbers tell the truth. I wish all who were involved would be penalized in a way that will send a big message and end this kind of bureaucratic unleashed abuse of taxpayer's funds.

  21. $186M in expenditures in 2012
    74% was salaries and wages ($137,640,000)
    2,227 employees
    That's an average salary of $61,805

    While I do believe that teachers should be adequately paid, an average that high is absurd! You have to think about who is include in that total workforce - janitors, lunch people, grounds maintenance, administrative staff, etc. Now does that average seem a little off? Either non-educated staff are getting paid really well or there are a lot of top heavy salaries. Shoot, I have 6 years of college education plus 5 years on the job and I am still a couple grand shy of the average salary of a Wicomico County school employee!

    1. So where exactly are you getting these numbers from, because as a BOE employee I make no where near that! Damn so I've been screwed?

    2. The new non-educated city administrator gets over $89k now. Your point is???

  22. This kind of abuse just happened in small district in California where the Superintendent made over $600K salary and a loan for over $900K for his house... He was also bankrupt

    They just had a huge board of Ed meeting where there was a huge turnout... People need to turnout and have these board members and Freddy fired then jailed!

  23. Teachers union has nothing to do with the Board of education administration.

  24. I wonder if the rest of the media will give you credit for breaking this story. Heads need to roll on this one. I'm only part way through this and I'm furious. Thanks for the high blood pressure Joe.

  25. I will speak up and say that you can not entirely blame the appointed members of the Wicomico County Board of Education. They are only fed what Dr. Fredericksen wants to feed them. They do not run the public school system. Look up their job descriptions and you might be able to understand their positions.

    The blame and all the blame is put on John Fredericksen who is a big manipulator. He is running a corrupt operation and he is a good politician. He knows how to play the game and he is sneaky at it. He knows how to smile in the face of the parents/tax payer like he is their best friend while grasping the knife is will put in someone's back in a heartbeat. I also agree that Michelle Wright has a lot to do with this because of her close connection to Fredericksen while she was the Board president. Why do you think she stepped down. The employees of the school board are not dumb.

  26. whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers

    1. I would really like to know how you get 3 months off and everyone else gets 8 weeks?

  27. No one will be held accountable or fired so "what difference does it make"?It is good reporting though,Joe!

  28. Anonymous said...
    This kind of abuse just happened in small district in California where the Superintendent made over $600K salary and a loan for over $900K for his house... He was also bankrupt

    They just had a huge board of Ed meeting where there was a huge turnout... People need to turnout and have these board members and Freddy fired then jailed!

    March 13, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    Guess what! They won't turn out!

  29. The true question is:

    What position controls this? That is the position that we need to have the correct person elected or appointed in to! If it is Dr. Freddie's position and he was appointed...who was he appointed by?

    Or maybe we need the local elected school board that Normie screwed us out of last year!

  30. You can forget The Daily Times reporting as Tracy Sahler - DT spokesperson, her husband used to work for the DT. So one can see why they won't touch the story.

    And so I won't touch the DT. Cancelled my subscription years ago and never looked back.

  31. "Specifically, our review of purchasing card activity between April 11, 2011 and April 10, 2013 disclosed WCPS purchasing card expenditures from local fast food or restaurant merchants totaling $162,000."

    Key word: LOCAL!!!

    We're paying for lunches? And gift cards? Lunches I could understand... if it were out of town during travel, but nope, the daily meals of the administration are on us. I also guarantee that these lunches were bought by the people who have the top 10% salaries of the BOE. As for the suspected gift cards, the State prohibits gift card purchases so shouldn't somebody be held accountable??

  32. O'Malley appoints the Board Members.

    Here's how it goes.

    Fredericksen even admits that there's no way they can oversee everything. Costly mistakes were made in almost every area.

    So instead of Fredericksen taking the HEAT, he simply said, well, the Board approved it, therefore it's NOT my fault or problem, so to speak.

    The Board, (as I'll agree with the recent comment above mine) is NOT anywhere near fully aware of what is going on. HOWEVER, NOW THEY ARE!

    So who is accountable, NO ONE!

    Not O'Malley, not Fredericksen, not the Board.

    All we have in the end, (if you'll just read the report) are EXCUSES and DENIAL.

    No different from the County Executive and Mayor when it comes to unemployment and jobs.

    NO ONE in Wicomico County is DOING THEIR JOB! That is, the positions I've mentioned.

    Wicomico County/Salisbury NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP AS IN NOW!

  33. "whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers"

    You're exactly who I want teaching my kid... a pompous asshole who uses phrases like "laying on da beach."

    1. I am guessing the whine author is not a teacher, but someone who couldn't handle the job and whose child is a discipline problem.

  34. Anonymous said...
    whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers

    March 13, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    I get the point, however your credibility sucks because of your poor grammar. Maybe you should have stayed in school a little longer.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Teachers union has nothing to do with the Board of education administration.

    March 13, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    They have a lot of influence so quit your damage control.

  36. Anonymous said...
    But it's for the kids...

    March 13, 2014 at 10:24 AM


    I thought I was the only one tired of hearing that shit!

    Sorry Joe, don't reject my comment because of that one little word. We are pissed at Dr. Freddy.

  37. We have subscribed to the Daily Times for over 20 years now. I just cancelled our subscription as we have had enough. This is the only place we can get such in depth information. The superintendent need to be fired.

  38. Wow, this is a blistering report!

  39. "Wicomico County government exercises authority over WCPS,
    primarily through review and approval of WCPS’ annual operating and capital

    From page 9 of the report. The Wicomico County Executive and Wicomico County Council exercises AUTHORITY over the Wicomico County Public Schools. So they are also part of the blame. All of them.

  40. Com on man, can't we all just get along. EVO this Friday with us teachers !

  41. Councilman Joe Hollaway brought up these issues six years ago. Caught hell from the BOE and other council members. Fredrickson went as far as to defend going to Hooters on the taxpayers dime. This county is screwing the taxpayers all of the time go on the county website and look at Pollitt's dining habits.

  42. But will the appointed Board members address this problem? I firmly agree it is a problem and I know for a fact that Dr. Fredericksen runs a tight ship and is a dictator. He only surrounds himself with people he can control. That is why there have been a lot of terminations and people leaving. When one man controls the hiring and firing of whoever he pleases then he is a dictator. Ask the two girls from HR that was fired and has a lawsuit against Dr. Freddy. They have lost some of their case, but the are determined not to give up. They know way to much on him.

  43. The BOE have found a backdoor way into our hip pockets. Under the auspices of 'the kids'.

    Someone really needs to Go To Jail to set an example.

  44. Okay, so I just read the report. The main thing I see is that they found there were inadequate controls over "potential" abuse. There was no evidence of abuse. Those of you crying foul over not abiding by State guidelines/rules - did you read the part that says they are not governed by those rules? Did you also read the part about the progress that was made in compliance to the previous audit suggestions? Why no mention of this? I do not have a dog in this fight other than the taxes I pay. I do, however, recognize a situation where someone wants to gain political mileage out of this report.

  45. Frederickson's letter is absurd.
    "although it was a very costly endeavor to our district in regard to the amount of staff time and resources required to gather the requested data"

    Guess what John, IT'S PART OF YOUR JOB!!

    "I would like to thank the auditors for agreeing to acknowledge NO evidence of abuse, inaccuracy or noncompliance of board policies or procedures for transactions tested in several years"

    Did he read the same report that I did? Maybe the more accurate word would be corruption.

    "WCPS failed to adhere to inapplicable State of Maryland procedures and guidelines..."

    When a portion of the money you spend comes from the State then you better follow their rules; even if you don't have to. It seems like the WCBE makes their own rules to follow, go figure.

    Frederickson has got to go!

  46. If the liberal state is critical of these actions it must be bad.

  47. "Com on man, can't we all just get along. EVO this Friday with us teachers !"

    Nope, can't afford it. I have to pay my taxes so that you can have that luxury...

  48. how do people wonder why the taxpayers voted for a tax cap in this county? yea all our problems are because we instituted the cap to prevent this kind of rogue wasteful spending, incompetence and no accountability. keep up the great work sby news!

  49. 11:30, So, you are suggesting that ALL of the money that was blown was OK in your eyes. Yeah, you don't have a dog in this fight.

  50. 11:30 here. No, I'm not saying all the money blown is okay. I'm saying it could be better handled, just as the audit did. No one is saying there isn't room for improvement, and substantial improvement. I just don't happen to agree that it's a "scathing" report. All in all, it didn't seem too bad.

  51. Do you realize they are spending more than $311.00 PER DAY on purchasing food from local restaurants, PER DAY!

    Yeah 11:30, we ALL signed up for that!

  52. To the second 11:30, since when is it corruption to not follow rules you aren't required to follow?

  53. Joe can you talk about the cost over runs of BMS and now I have heard that they will be coming back for more money. ...any comment

  54. The person posting that they were a teacher working part-time and enjoying full-time pay and 3 months off was NOT a teacher! It was someone mocking teachers by falsely playing the role.

    I realize it is sometimes hard to pick up sarcasm and satire from written words, but even I got that one!

  55. Joe, is there an explanation for the purchasing food from restaurants? I didn't see that part, but I didn't see anything that said it wasn't allowed. Poor judgment, certainly seems that way. I would like to know what the justification would be.

  56. Grammar lesson for the teacher:

    "whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers"

    Should read more like this:

    Whine, whine, whine. I am a teacher and I enjoy my part-time job with full-time pay. Oh, and I forgot my three months during the summer that I spend lying on the beach. Thank you taxpayers.

    Tips for you to teach my kid in your class:

    *Commas and punctuation (perhaps those key are broken on your keyboard)
    *Basic spelling
    *Sentence structure
    *Lie vs Lay (in the vernacular, you may be laying someone on the beach, but more than likely you would just be lying on the beach)

    If you're going to chime in, you might want to at least sound educated. Otherwise, you just sound like a fool and only hurt your cause.

  57. 11:50, POOR JUDGMENT? $160,000.00+ worth of "POOR JUDGMENT", $311.00 PER DAY, come on now. We will NOT accept a WHOOPS on that one, will you?

  58. To the second 11:48 AM,

    By corruption, I mean the board makes their own rules to follow, rules that allow inappropriate spending.

  59. 11:50, How about looking at it this way. How many of you make $311.00 a WEEK these days, let alone $311.00 a DAY. How many of you spend $311.00 a wee or month on groceries, while the BOE is spending that PER DAY?

  60. No, not accepting a whoops. Asking for explanation. Big difference.

  61. Maybe Fredericksen should come PUBLIC with the alleged story about a female teacher having an affair with a male student. We're told she's been suspended with pay and the alleged affair has been going on for two years now. It took TWO YEARS for the BOE to do anything about it.

    Would you like to chime in Doc?

  62. Why all the comments about teachers union? This has nothing to do with them, or am I missing something?

  63. Was there anything about this alleged story in the audit? I missed that. I should go back and read again!

  64. $311.00 a day times 365 days = $113,515.00 a year, holy cow that's a lot of pork!

  65. Hey - 11:50. You get that wasn't a real teacher, right?

    BTW, as a local restaurant owner, I'm GLAD the money is going to local restaurants...that helps my bottom line!

  66. Another example of Goverment out of control! And yes the unions did have something to do with this! They have forced their way to run up these budgets and answer to no one!

  67. How is any of this the fault of the teachers union? All of this spending is done by BoE employees, not teachers. Seems to me you're blaming the wrong people. I bet teachers would love to get BoE spending under control as much as anyone.

  68. how do people wonder why the taxpayers voted for a tax cap in this county? yea all our problems are because we instituted the cap to prevent this kind of rogue wasteful spending, incompetence and no accountability.

    just like only one person was charged in the scheme to skim money from county public works, gas/parts/tires/hardware/tools years ago. one porto potty guy got charged and the rest walk around with blinders on. who really knows how much money was syphoned from taxpayers over the years? why do you think they got matt creamer back from retirement to double-dip? to navigate around any accountability! keep up the great work sby news!

  69. What a nauseating commentary.
    Unfortunately, it is my belief that this kind of thing goes on in all levels of government. Federal,State and local.

  70. This is just crazy. The superintendent needs to be fired immediately & ALL expenditures monitored. The way things work is the money is budgeted, therefore, it must be spent or they don't get it next year. That thinking is B.S. That's my property tax money & I want it back!!!!

  71. These things went on long before Dr. F. And all i not what it seems. Students have pizza parties. It is paid by using the Board card. The Board is then reimbursed for the payment. Did the auditors look at reimbursements?

  72. I bet Ronald Willey is right in the middle of it, he acts all high and mighty, but he is really only out for himself not caring about who gets hurt in the process.

  73. The people making comments here need to show up at council meetings and raise hell with these people

  74. 12:29 I would have to agree, but that doesn't make it right! It's time to cut the umbilical tax cord

  75. 12:04, you need to recalculate. They do not work 365 days a year. We calculated FIVE days a week, not seven. We did not take off for ANY professional or snow days, etc. My numbers are accurate. $311.00 a day.

  76. do we county taxpayers also pay any interest/fees on those charge cards?

  77. Fredrickson is a lazy, ingnorant, incompetent leader and should be fired. what in the world is wrong with you people that re-elected him.

  78. All you all complaining about Grammar, get use to it...itas called core english. It was developed by Ebonics instructors. As long as you all can read it, its all good...

    Dumb a society down to the lowest common denominator..

  79. What is wrong with you,1:14, that you don't know he is appointed, not elected.

  80. If I am not mistaken, there was a lady at the local School Teachers Union hall that was also charged with embezzling union due money from the school teachers.

    This area wreaks of waste, fraud, and abuse.

  81. Reeks, not wreaks.

  82. To 11:30 Posting - I do not have a dog in the fight other than the taxes that I pay

    Come on now - if you can't read between the lines that this Audit report is smitten with Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and Corruption, then I can't help you my friend. Remember, the Auditors are there for a reason - to try and ferret out these abuses.

  83. I hope that the bring back the legend rock singer Alice Cooper and he sings the song 'Schools Out' because this is the kind of mind control that has been going on in Wicomico's school system for a very long time.

  84. I just got through reading the audit contained in the link and I am totally fed up with this County. We are going downhill and fast - 'to hell in a hand basket' - pardon my French - but I am totally disgusted.

  85. "Anonymous said...
    whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers

    March 13, 2014 at 11:00 AM"

    Most likely this person is not a teacher but the attitude is reflective of teachers nowadays. Most are only in it because it's an easy degree. You can have an IQ in the moron level and get the degree. My niece just obtained her doctorate in ED and was quite mortified that it was so simple. She said when she got her masters she aced it without cracking a book and only one eye open during class. For her doctorate, she kept both eyes open.
    This dumbing down of teachers is why the US education system is a joke. Parents are only being fooled if they think their child is being educated. SAT scores hit rock bottom several years ago as proof. Now instead of focusing on improving students academically they are redoing the SAT's.
    Teachers should be embarrassed anymore to teach. The mere pittance of a salary would never be enough for the average decent person to sell their soul. The concerned teachers and parents need to demand changes. First place to start would be to stop the standardized testing. Curriculum is geared around these so students are only taught to memorize as opposed to actually thinking anymore.

  86. I still cannot understand how such a mega article can go undetected by all of the other medias. Where are they?

  87. When is the class action suit of Wicomico County Taxpayers vs. Board of Education to begin?

  88. Looks like the old Matt Craemer and Carl Peterson days. It is scary what this county has covered up. The crap pumper that stole over a mill from the county sure paid lol. The funny thing is no one from the county went to jail ????? Good ole system, kick backs etcs.... Well sad news it is happeing in every community in America. We have allowed it. Hang the lawyers and then the politicians

  89. Call the local (MSN) and ask where's the reporting on this.

  90. To 2:34 - Let's not forget about the Wicomico Liquor Dispensary abuses. I saw where they squandered a lot of money - but not on the magnitude when compared to the BOE.

  91. MSM dont report on issues that affect the taxpayer,only BS feel good stuff.

  92. The first thing that needs to be done is for Ronald Willey to be removed from the school board. He is a retired teacher that feeds the other board members the only information that for Fab Freddy and his band wants them to know. Then get rid of 15 percent of the employees at the board main office. They could probably do the same job with a 25% cut in staff, but we will hear crying and bitching that it is for the kids. Yes, I believe in Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but not Fab Freddy, tricky Ricky, Wayne Stupidberger, or either of the "Public Relation Liars" for the board of education or the county mouth piece. Time for a house cleaning - but no one will remember this when it comes election time.

  93. The embezzler was a Worcester County Teacher Association Official not a Wicomico Teacher Association official. She apparently had a gambling addiction and was using the money to gamble. She has paid a terrible price based on my reading.

    As Joe suggested, I read the whole report and the response. I was concerned when I first read the story but having now read all of it I am not so concerned.

  94. The funny thing is as I read this audit I am very alarmed. These well educated people continue to do this year after year. They all profess to be "educated". So why the hiding of assets. I recall a time that one of the modular trailers behind Wi-Hi had numerous brand new computers that sat for years. There were cases of books never put into circulation. The trips to Japan by staff to learn how to teach rotflmoa. I guess it just did not come to you when attending Univeristy Of Maryland.

    People this wanton waste has gone on for years. It has been allowed because they carry a large vote.

    To all of those who work in the county system I would be furious. The corrections, county services, Sheriff's Office, admin. The B.O.E. has litterally taken bread off of your table. They are preventing raises with this systematic abuse. Pollitt and staff better get it under control and fast. The elections are just around the corner Rick dont let Fredrickson cost you an election that will be close already my friend. As a matter od fact that guy has overstayed him welcome. Can his ass.

  95. As a member of the school system I would like to thank the citizens of Wicomico County for making me a wealthy man.I hope this audit doesn't throw a damper on my future profits.

  96. Taking the bread off the table of other county workers?
    What about those footing the bill for all of the abusers?
    The taxpayers!
    To hell with their raises!

  97. I distinctly remember some guy on pac 14 standing up at a council meeting saying he was republican vice something or other and complaining about the transparency of the boe's budget, can't remember the details but his shirt was ironed real nice

  98. I think when you're wasting over $4m a year you could afford a STAFF to address these abuses and have over $3m left over!

    A hundred comments in 6 hours... I wonder how many comments our Big # MSM's got today ALTOGETHER!

  99. Where is the $311 per day figure coming from? I have read and re-read and don't see it.

  100. It is interesting that no one really cared about what was being spent by the city/county/BOE when property values were going through the roof in 2005-2007. There were plenty of people making money off the come heres buying second/third homes. Now that the come heres and their money have gone else where, it is evident that there very little money to support the from heres. The majority of posts here only complain about the handful of people that are successful in the area such as executives at companies, hospital, university. Those people got to such positions by having an education and the drive to prosper regardless of which political party they support. Sour grapes is all you get from the people on here that have not strived to become anything other than the common working man.

  101. 4:05
    You are a jerk! It is the "working man" that pays the taxes so that arrogant, pompous jerks like you can feed off of serfs like us! You think just because you have a degree you are better, but you are not. I have news for you! It was and is the hard work from us "working men and women" that made this country what it was. A degree in this economy means little. I don't know if you have checked lately, but most businesses and employers no longer pay what a degree is worth. Jobs are gone, and what are left are in the service industry. I hope you loose your job so you can see just how hard it is for us unemployed and under employed. People are fed up, and we are tired of pompous jerks like you who sit in their ivory towers and tell us what to do, or how to act! Screw you!!!!

  102. 4:05, perhaps you need to go back to school and figure it out.

  103. I read the report. I am a teacher in another county. What I found interesting was the reading of the other county reports in the surrounding area. I was impressed that other counties included what changes had been made based on the state recommendations. I suggest that Wicomico should have done the same. The potential for abuse is there with the use of gift cards. Why then is it allowed to continue. The outrage should come from citizens if the BOE does not respond publicly to to changes recommended.

  104. Another feather in obamas and Iretons hat .
    Nothing will be done , life goes on and the stealing will go on.
    It's actually funny that this has been going on for years.

  105. Oops, there are two 4:05's. I meant the first 4:05.

  106. I wanna know when is school Voucher system going to be placed on the ballot?? Can we get this campaign started.were do i sign...

  107. I don't care. We cancelled our subscription today and as far as I could tell on line they just copied what you put up anyway.

  108. The only liberal reaction to this is it's the revenue cap fault.

  109. To 4:53 - I can tell you what the libs are saying

    The libs are all saying that this is SBYnews's fault.

  110. Beezer, audits are for facts, good and bad. There are no "between the lines." Have you ever conducted one?

  111. good comments, good discussion

  112. John Fredericksen(I refuse to call he Dr.) is the master of all cover ups!!

  113. To 5:15 Posting

    The Audit is what it is. I'm just a simple reporter, trying to tell it like it is.

    I meant the second 5:15 Posting. People are posting so fast that we are having trouble w/ multiple simultaneous Postings.

  114. Dr. Freddy and Ricky Pollitt have got to go!

    Vote for Bob Culver this fall.

  115. I just got word the County Executives Office has contacted the BOE demanding they start answering to the information we published today.

    I find it most interesting how the County Executive tends to be "REACTIVE" rather than "PROACTIVE".

    What I mean by that is, a good CEO, (or Executive) would do is heed the warning LONG ago by Joe Holloway and demand answers on a regular basis. I believe Joe asked for many of these answers the Auditor finally got after auditing the BOE for almost a full year.

    Rick Pollitt should have been on top of this as ANY good EO would do.

    THE DIFFERENCE, this isn't the CEO's business OR money! It's YOURS!

    Time for a change Ladies & Gentlemen.

  116. Anonymous said...
    Okay, so I just read the report. The main thing I see is that they found there were inadequate controls over "potential" abuse. There was no evidence of abuse. Those of you crying foul over not abiding by State guidelines/rules - did you read the part that says they are not governed by those rules? Did you also read the part about the progress that was made in compliance to the previous audit suggestions? Why no mention of this? I do not have a dog in this fight other than the taxes I pay. I do, however, recognize a situation where someone wants to gain political mileage out of this report.

    March 13, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    This person has a connection to the fat blogger. He put up the same exact information just to underrmind your report. Guess who has more hits and comments. LMFAO.

  117. Joe Holloway needs to replace Matt Holloway as President...he is smarter than the rest of the bunch...and sticks to his principles. They laugh at him - but who's laughing now...he called this years ago.

  118. 4:25 Maybe you should check your facts concerning who pays the most taxes in this country. A degree doesn't make a person any better than another, but it does increase the likelihood that that person will earn significantly more during their lifetime than some one with a GED or HS degree. It increase exponentially for those with advanced degrees such as doctors, lawyers, CPA's and dentists. I will concede that you are some what correct that a degree has little value but only in Wicomico county. Google highest per capita income in the US and the demographic make up by education. BTW, I grew up in Somerset co. and Wicomico co. but was smart enough to get an education, retire in my 40's and leave the outhouse of MD with my money to a state without an income tax and a republican governor. Good luck to you and yours.

  119. I just got home from work and am now reading the report. This really makes me mad and I'm quite upset that these activities are going on. The more I read the madder I get.

  120. Anonymous said...
    Grammar lesson for the teacher:

    "whine whine whine i am a teacher and i enjoy my part time job with full time pay oh and i forgot my 3 months off in summer laying on da beach thanks tax payers"

    Should read more like this:

    Whine, whine, whine. I am a teacher and I enjoy my part-time job with full-time pay. Oh, and I forgot my three months during the summer that I spend lying on the beach. Thank you taxpayers.

    Tips for you to teach my kid in your class:

    *Commas and punctuation (perhaps those key are broken on your keyboard)
    *Basic spelling
    *Sentence structure
    *Lie vs Lay (in the vernacular, you may be laying someone on the beach, but more than likely you would just be lying on the beach)

    If you're going to chime in, you might want to at least sound educated. Otherwise, you just sound like a fool and only hurt your cause.

    March 13, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    The first poster may be sarcasm, but if not they might be a teacher. This is what is known as Ghettospeak and you know where that comes from. They have a quota to make and you know they can't hire all whiteys.

  121. 5:30, I am 11:30. I have no more connection to the other blogger than to this one. I don't discriminate. I appreciate anyone who will post my opinions. It isn't a contest and I'm not a "he." I'm just a grandmother of five who likes to read the blogs and stay up on current affairs. So laugh your obscenity behind off all you want. You aren't nearly as smart as you think.

  122. I think the 5:29 post proves the point of that grandma. Maybe the motive for this is all about using the perception of scandal for political gain.

  123. Anonymous said...
    I distinctly remember some guy on pac 14 standing up at a council meeting saying he was republican vice something or other and complaining about the transparency of the boe's budget, can't remember the details but his shirt was ironed real nice

    March 13, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    I thought you were talking about the fat guy that works the cameras at PAC 14 until I read the part about the real nice ironed shirt. That Tom Taylor is to lazy to iron his shirt.

  124. 1:44pm Beezer, you use the words fraud & Corruption. Really? Well, let's see if you can back those words up. That is a very serious accusation to make. But, since you made it, let's see who it needs to be directed at: The Wicomico Schools are government by the local school board(7 members). The state & the county provide the vast majority of the funding. The Md. State Department of Education exercises considerable oversight in accordance with certain provision of the Annotated code of Md. Then there is an certified public accounting firm who does an independent audit each fiscal year and we finish with oversight with the Office of Legislative Audits thru the Dept. of Legislative Services. So, who do you want to accuse of fraud & corruptions. Please explain.

  125. Some years ago Councilman Joe Holloway exposed some of the very things that this audit has he got no help from the council or Pollitt's office. Then he got slamed in the media. It's been the good old boys club for too long, time for some house cleaning.

  126. Requiring an every 4 year Legislative Audit for Public School systems in Maryland became State Law about 10 years ago when some members of the General Assembly were trying to ensure that the enormous Thornton monies invested in Maryland's public education system were monies well spent. (Also at the time Baltimore City & Prince Georges County public schools had several major financial fiascos that were being uncovered and reported.) The Legislative audits are completed by auditors employed by the Maryland Department of Legislative Services, and the intended audience of these reports are members of the Maryland House & Senate. Yes, they are public documents, but they are "just reports." Unless a blatant example of illegal activity is uncovered, there is no real requirement by WCBOE to act unless the delegates and senators were to put serious heat on the local jurisdiction. The BOE, as it has done, can simply say, "We disagree with the finding" or "Opps! My Bad! We have fixed that little oversight." There may be some informal wrangling that goes on behind the scenes, but the Dept of Legislative Services has NO power or authority to require action and the Board of Ed knows that.

  127. Councilperson Sample-hughes husband runs the bus dept maybe he need to be replaced.

  128. Joe that is the County Council office, not the office of Rick Pollitt. Rick will more than likely cover it up with Freddy.

  129. This is 5:40 Poster again - What recourse is there for normal working folks like myself. I am going to initiate a telephone call to my councilman tomorrow. I know Bob Culver and Joe Holloway, but I am not sure that they can do anything. I mean these citations are pretty serious. Does anyone have any ideas on where to go from here.

  130. What's your address?

    1. The teacher's house with the gun barrel sticking out the window.

  131. To 5:57 - In all due respect, are you reading the same report in the link that was provided?

    There is so much waste, fraud, and abuse, listed - are you one of the educational administrators now trying to cover it up.

  132. This is great reporting Joe it confirms my suspicions and for the state to allow it to come forward apparently unaltered is interesting as well. I'm afraid this requires our family speed up our process of leaving the state of Maryland and Wicomico county. My biggest fear is that our goal to have our house on the market by early spring of 2015 may be to late as property values will fall at a faster rate. We will pray for those left behind and begin doubling our efforts to prepare our home for market earlier than we had initially planned. As for the vermin who run this county with impunity you will stand in judgement one day and for your parts in this you will be judged accordingly GOOD RIDDANCE!

  133. I do believe that old JT has reappeared and is posting on this website again. It's become quite easy to identify him as he always takes the libs approach, if you know what I mean.

  134. Ms. Hughes husband does not "run" the transportation department at the BOE. He only works in that department.

  135. I work very hard for the little money I earn and after paying my expenses, like food, mortgage, insurance, and taxes, I have very little disposable income left. I as most people in this county and state are struggling just to make ends meet. I find it hard to accept, and I am very angry right now, because they are wasting our hard earned money, and they still want more in tax increases and fees! I won't resort to violence, but I would sure like to have an opportunity to protest what has, is, and what will be continuing in the future!

  136. An elected Board of Education would go a long way in providing transparency and increased accountability.

    A very important reason not to support Conway! He is the sole reason the voters of Wicomico County did not get the opportunity to vote for an elected school board! He is mostly responsible for the lack of accountability and control that has been disclosed, simply for failing to support the elected board concept. Shame on him and his fellow cronies and union!

  137. JT is a nothing. His lack of integrity, principles, morals and values are apparent. His only goal in his wasted worthless life is to take the opposite opinion of Joe Albero. When Marjorie Miles was the Super. of SomCo Schools he ran that woman through the ringer. Now she's the Assistant Super of Wic Co Schools and they can do no wrong.

  138. To 6:39 Poster, I just Posted 6:03 and I feel the same way you do. At this juncture, I just want to get even. The more I read, the madder I get.

  139. 5:57-The school system as a whole is corrupted since there appears to be no checks/balances, nor safeguards in place. As to who to name as an individual responsible-it starts at the top so it would be the Superintendent, who being from another county and only perused the docs and story I can't recall a name.

  140. No wonder these school bus contractors can have several buses and live like kings.BOY THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.This if you dug into it would make the landfill thefts look like penny candy.Also the food service is completely unacceptable.Looks like there was more food going out the back door than what was served. Tomorrow should be the last day of employment for the head of bus contractors and food service.

    As always thank you mr albero for the information. I am headed to bennett school cafeteria dumpster now for my prime rib dinner.

  141. 6:56 What a (insert name for kitten). Big and bad on the blog. We know it's you jimmy and we know what you are sticking out the window….pea/pee shooter!

  142. Responding to 6:45 Posting regarding an elected school board.

    I agree. I don't understand why Conway was so instrumental in trying to thwart an elected school board. I hope the voters of Wicomico County realize that his time in office should come to an end. Especially given that Wicomico is one of only a few counties remaining that do not have an elected school board. The present school board form of representation needs to be replaced.

  143. As usual nothing will be done except for maybe raise taxes to pay for more waste....

  144. I couldn't help but to notice that the other media, Daily Times, also gave a black eye to the Wicomico County School Bd. officials. Even they recognize that the BOE system is fraught with inefficiencies.

  145. The report says it all. They found in their sampling and it revealed the credit card purchases were not incompliance. This raises an even bigger question, why wasn't there a system of checks in place.
    And I also noticed that there were some repeat offenses from the prior audit write-up. And why weren't these addressed. These are some legitimate issues and I would hope that our elected officials will investigate.

  146. SPEND YOURS! NOT MINE!March 13, 2014 at 7:54 PM

    Not really a surpise if you think about it.

    A true liberal in charge and liberals under him spending every body elses dollar but the one in there pocket.

    Fredrickson you should be ashamed of yourself for letting this happen under your watch.

    Your doctrine should be anulled and you sent packing to the coldest shoe shining destination there is.

  147. I am a teacher in the county and I'm just as disgusted as everyone else. The waste is there but it's not being wasted by teachers.

  148. Just ran into a DT employee and they admitted they read it on here first. I asked if they gave you credit for it and they didn't know.

  149. I wonder how many gift cards jimbo got

  150. 8:08, Oh don't you worry. We'll be talking about Jimbo early tomorrow morning. There's a LOT you and the taxpayers need to know about Jimmy and the Board of Ed.

  151. I missed the part about Jimmy in the audit. Is there more to read?

  152. 8:26, You'll see tomorrow morning.

  153. I can tell by the number of commentaries that there are a lot of dissatisfied taxpayers over this. Personally, I am disgusted by the whole educational system and would hope that they can get a handle on some of this. If not, I recommend that they shut the whole system down. I know it might sound draconian, but our citizens are being held subservient to an elite few educators.

  154. Cathy Townsend is the head of Administrative Services. She's the first that should be fired. The waste is at the top. It's not in the classrooms. Students, parents, and teachers are all victimized by this waste and incompetence.

  155. You folks talking about Sherri Sample Hughes husband running transportation he just took it over January1, 2014. He is doing Agreat job and he knows how to talk to people. Stop running your mouth about Desmond hes doing a great job and deserves a lot of credit for it for what he went into it behind. Salute to Mr Hughes great JOB

  156. As a lifelong taxpayer of Wicomico County and am nearing retirement, I am just blown away by this document. I can see a few oversights here and there, but this audit reveals incriminating evidence that shows a system run amok. I hope that another investigation is launched very soon. Gift cards, fast food, I might be a little older but we never had any of this stuff going on when I attended high school.

  157. Norm Conaway should be run out of town on the rails. Only a fool would vote Conaway. He has allowed the BOE to be a huge leech.

  158. There would be accountability if the board was elected by the very tax payers that they are suppose to serve.

  159. If you don't like the report you would be surprised at the waste that they can't audit. Additional unscheduled days off for the top one percent. Teachers start around 42,000 someone with out a degree could work there thirty years and never see that amount. A friend has worked there for 15 years doesn't even make 20,000 a year . Getting a degree doesn't mean they will be a good teacher. There are a lot of terrible staff at the board. Retired staff come back to work at full pay.If you screw up as a principal they give (make) them a job at the board.

  160. Sorry folks about all of the fast food orders. Title I (federal funds) that schools receive, require that they have "parent involvement" nights aka"Family Night", where parents can learn about what is going on with instruction in the classroom and how to help their child with homework or Common Core! If they don't feed parents they don't come. Check out any school in this county on PTA night where all you do is visit your child's classroom and speak with the teacher and you would be amazed. NO ONE shows up! I have been to PTA where there were only a dozen parents that attended for an entire high school. How sad for our community!

  161. To all those peeps out there complaining about teachers.....if we have it so great, come work for us:-)

    I mean it's so easy, and summers off.

    The pay, the respect, the endless hours of kicking my feet up. Hell. I can't believe everyone isn't doing it.

    Sounds like a bunch of armchair quarterbacks to me. You also sound like you were probably a very angry child who stopped a lot of other children from learning. But what do I know, I only deal with a cater to 75 personalities a day, while trying to inspire, guide, entertain, comfort, encourage, support, organize, ......oh yeah AND teach. I don't just run my mouth or do something that temporarily impacts the planet for my blink of an existance. I impact the future. Good or bad, I'm giving it a shot.
    So again come work with us.

  162. I wonder if it showed all the money spent on wine retreats. Oh that was grant monies so I guess that tax money does not count. People the B.O.E. is ripping off every tax dollar then can. The hide things within the budget so well you have to really dig and do more then just trust the cooked books.

    This is nothing new so I really don not get this hue and cry all of a sudden. I do not feel we need to be angry at the teachers over this they dont cook the books that is Fast Freddie and crew. If you question or insult him you will not be around long. This guy is one of the most arrogant people I have ever met. He acts as if he owns the schools of this county. Talk about an Ivory Tower this guy lives on an Ivory Mountain.

    Joe thanks for putting it out there. If they just could have shown some improvements it would have been a little easier to digest.

  163. The most tragic part of this whole deal is that our youth are being graduated without an education. Sad

  164. I really don't see much becoming of this other than a lot of idle talk here on SBY. Great job on the reporting of this out of control WCBOE administration! I will believe change will happen when all of you writing on here take yourselves, your neighbors, your relatives and everyone else you can get and show up to demand Dr.Fredrickson resign and anyone else who approved these expenditures right down to the person writing the payments for these bills! They all must go or it will just continue! All these expenditures sure have done alot to help educate our youth!

  165. Anonymous said...
    There would be accountability if the board was elected by the very tax payers that they are suppose to serve.

    March 13, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    I have to disagree. You would end up getting man uneducated people with an agenda. It would also become a popularity contest. Bad move. If there was a Republican governor it wouldn't even be a concern.

  166. Anonymous said...
    Ms. Hughes husband does not "run" the transportation department at the BOE. He only works in that department.

    March 13, 2014 at 6:38 PM

    You obviously don't know what you are talking about show STFU!


    Desmond Hughes

    Director of Transportation Services at Wicomico County Board of Education

    Wicomico County Board of Education

    Director of Transportation Services

    Wicomico County Board of Education

    January 2014 – Present (3 months)|Salisbury, MD

    Oversee the tranpsortation operations of the school system which is comprised of 149 school buses transporting approximately 12,500 students over 1.8 million miles annually. Serve on the Superintendent's executive leadership team assisting in providing direction for the school system. Prepare and manage the fiscal integrity of the transportation department. Supervise the daily operations of all transportation personnel and provide oversight to the various school bus contractors that provide bus service to the school system. Assist all stakeholders in the resolution of issues that pertain to student transportation. Enforce and establish the local, state, and federal policies and procdeure of student transportation. Make certain that all school bus contractors and vehicles comply with local, state, and federal guidelines.Recommend to the Superintendent of Schools when closings or delays are warranted. Provide oversight of the training and retention of all transportation personnel, school bus drivers, and bus attendents. Facilitate the transportation needs students with disabilities and displaced families.

    Specialized Transportation Specialist

    Wicomico County Board of Education

    October 1999 – Present (14 years 6 months)

    To assist the Supervisor of Transportation with the daily operation of transporting 12,500 students to and from schools within and outside of Wicomico County. Essentially, serve as the first line of customer service for the department handling parent, administrator, and community complaints/concerns. Assist in preparing and the management of an operating budget in excess of $7.5 million for student transportation. Keep comprehensive records on a fleet of 149 school buses and drivers to maintain compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Provided classroom and behind the wheel instruction to all new and existing drivers. Supervise the training program and instructors that are within the department. Investigate all accidents involving vehicles registered to the board of education. Established and implemented the Accident Review Committee that decides the preventability or nonpreventability of all school bus related accidents and serves as the Chairperson of the committee. Serve as the IEP Representative for the department to facilitate all special education transportation within and without the county. Established, maintained, and audited routes for the fleet of school buses to ensure safety, cost effectiveness, and efficiency. Introduced and managed new transportation software (Transfinder) to the transportation department. Serve as the transportation representative on various local and state committees involving transportation issues. Facilitate the transportation of all extracurricular and curricular activities.

  167. Anonymous said...
    JT is a nothing. His lack of integrity, principles, morals and values are apparent. His only goal in his wasted worthless life is to take the opposite opinion of Joe Albero. When Marjorie Miles was the Super. of SomCo Schools he ran that woman through the ringer. Now she's the Assistant Super of Wic Co Schools and they can do no wrong.

    March 13, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    What a dumb F*n idiot! She is not employed by the Wicomico County Board of education so crawl back under your rock and quit embarrassing the readers on this blog.

  168. 8:43 Cathy Townsend should have never been hired. She wasn't qualified and didn't come up through the system. She is another Lackey that Dr. Freddy wanted and waited for to sneak in under the noses of the unsuspecting Board Members.

  169. Anonymous said...
    You folks talking about Sherri Sample Hughes husband running transportation he just took it over January1, 2014. He is doing Agreat job and he knows how to talk to people. Stop running your mouth about Desmond hes doing a great job and deserves a lot of credit for it for what he went into it behind. Salute to Mr Hughes great JOB

    March 13, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    This is a very uneducated person making this post. Are you a product of the Wicomico County Public School System?

    Speaking of education Desmond Hughes does not have the Education to be a Director of anything in a government entity. We all know that Council Woman Sheree Sample Hughes now State Delegate Hughes has been the suck up factor in Desmond's success with the BOE.

  170. Anonymous said...
    Sorry folks about all of the fast food orders. Title I (federal funds) that schools receive, require that they have "parent involvement" nights aka"Family Night", where parents can learn about what is going on with instruction in the classroom and how to help their child with homework or Common Core! If they don't feed parents they don't come. Check out any school in this county on PTA night where all you do is visit your child's classroom and speak with the teacher and you would be amazed. NO ONE shows up! I have been to PTA where there were only a dozen parents that attended for an entire high school. How sad for our community!

    March 13, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Um.. That doesn't justify my paying taxes for these clowns dinners. I have no desire to keep on coddling these thugs and their mommies so we can receive federal funds, more of my tax money. These thugs are both black and white, but mostly black. Sorry, it's not racist it's a fact.

    I am sick of Title I and STARS! What programs do they offer my hard working high achieving children. NOTHING! Now that is discrimination.

  171. Why wasn't Bruce Ford the Chief Financial Officer at the Board of Ed meeting the other night when this was presented?

    Sounds like he knew what was going down and got out of Dodge.

  172. 10:45 hits on a point that I have heard for years concerning titled schools (eligible for fed funds because certain percentage of students are below poverty level.) Someone I know who works at a titled school on the Western Shore has been complaining for years that unless they are giving something away for free the parents/guardians (have a lot of that going on in titled schools) don't attend any of the PTA meetings, etc at the school.
    It's a sad state of affairs the democrat policies have led us into. They've dreamed up giving something away so they can claim they've increased parent involvement in MD schools. The best thing at this point in time that a concerned parent can do is to throw every single democrat packing on election day. People need to wise up and stop falling for the illusions they create.

  173. One good thing about new, come Sunday, this won't even be discussed. Get everyone's feathers in an uproar until the next big story.

    Yes, there may be waste but the BOE has done a lt during the audit and especially after to address the comments. Isn't that the purpose of an audit?

    Let's all just move on bc there is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

  174. sorry, 9:50, the elected school board in Worcester County seems to only be accountable to the UNIONS and has no real authority over the rulers at the State level - we now have a principal's ruling class elite husband running for a seat - nothing to see there

  175. One has to wonder about all the places the BOE spent money for food, was alcohol included also? Are the county people not only enjoying lunch food on our time, but also includes alcohol or free drinks they get?

  176. I'm just in awe at $162,000 on fast food and such. That's a hell of a lot of meals. The focus now should be accountability. The BOE has long done what is wants, how it wants. How this situation is handled will be very important. It's up to the citizens of this county to get involved and make their voices heard. People only do what they are allowed to do. Until some folks are truly called to the carpet this nonsense will keep on.

  177. I can asure you no alcohol was included.

  178. The state now needs to audit Wicomico County.

  179. There is no accountability at all with the Wicomico County Board of Ed!!
    There is a "Supervisor" who works for the Board of Ed that for "years" has been using a Board of Ed vehicle and their gas to go home during the day while "on the clock" to tend to his chicken farm and also do some of his farming. This person has also been seen cutting grass on private property with a Board of Ed mower. It has been reported by numerous persons in the community over the years with nothing ever being done. If this person is not being missed while doing his personal work on Board of Ed time how important is his job since he's not being missed during the time he is gone during his workday?? Every vehicle the Board of Ed has should have a tracking system placed on it and it should be monitored by someone outside their department so things like this can't be covered up!! The citizens of Wicomico County are sick and tired of this abuse by Board of Ed employees yet our leaders just keep wanting to raise taxes and give the Board new and fancy schools which are breaking Wicomico County. We the citizens will end up paying for this extravagance while the teachers and employee's of the Board of Ed just keep getting raises! I for one am sick of it!!

  180. Not only sick of it, but obviously jealous as well.

  181. Folks are being distracted by the money spent on food and gift cards. The real issue lies in Finding number 5 in the Audit Report. Read that and understand the implications.

  182. Dr. Freddy defended this crap on WMDT last night.

  183. Keep up the good work Joe

  184. Pays ranging from 42,000-80,000 could be classified as a year round job. Just how many supervisors are at the board? No one should be sent out of town for a conference. getting paid plus 3 meals a day (just how much do they get for meals?)Its way more than it should be. Technology as it is could be broadcast at every school. Just like the beginning of the year kickoff no more at The Civic Center. So many ways to cut cost its really not that hard to figure out.

  185. 2:18 AM Mr. Ford was with his family visiting his new grandchild...like he should have been!!! Bet you feel stupid now! People at the BOE have families too, even though they spend 60+ hours away from them every week.

  186. I work for the BOE and I can tell you that there is a lot of work left to do by the auditors. They have only partially unveiled.

  187. Can we get the name of the person who was given $10,000 too much in salary because of being put on the wrong step of the pay scale? Not that hard to figure out, though.


  189. Yet, they can not give our teachers a much needed raise and cost of living adjustment?
    They should be ashamed of themselves!


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