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Thursday, March 27, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Christie lawyer says governor not involved in bridgegate

A law firm hired by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has released a report saying the governor was not involved in a plot to create gridlock near the George Washington Bridge.



  1. When you have non-stop "news" coverage on the likes of MSNBC, it's for one reason, to eliminate/badly damage a possible Presidential candidate.

  2. 12:27 The EXACT same thing can be said of Fox News. And its true for both stations I'd argue. Cable news makes me sick and depressed.

  3. 1:37 --ha ha the cliche response of MSNBC vs Fox is such a tired old reflex -- Read Salisbury News--it's all you need to see

  4. If he had actually done this horrific act I would have voted for him in a heartbeat.

  5. Considering his support for gun control and illegal aliens...we don't want him in any higher position...in this country!


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