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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Best Definition Yet of Obama Care


To insure the uninsured, we first make the insured uninsured and then make them pay more to be insured again with less coverage so the original uninsured can be insured for free.


  1. Well damn if this isn't the truth

  2. I am no fan of Obama or Obamacare, but if you don't have the ability to obtain insurance by having a job that provides insurance to employees, you should be able to get insurance. This plan/law/mandate is/was flawed from the beginning. There is no jusitification for people having maternity care if they are beyond child bearing age and premiums offset by out of pocket deductible is ridiculous. There has to be a more effective way to ensure that medical care is available to those in need. As I see it, the barriers to this are the lawyers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. Google the cost of giving birth in a hospital in NY or CA versus KY or MS. In many cases, it is much cheaper to fly to another country for medical procedures.

  3. What's next? I can't wait to see... that is if I can afford new glasses!

  4. The way to lower medical costs is to get rid of the 10,000 new government employees who are making "websites" and "running" Obamacare.

    Just let the doctors and insurance companies do their jobs...across state lines and without fear of being raped by lawyers.



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