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Friday, March 07, 2014

Beach Brawl Suspects File Appeal; Jury To Hear Appeal Of Verdict

OCEAN CITY — Three of the four suspects found guilty last month on assault and other charges stemming from last summer’s beach melee with police will get another day in court after filing appeals this week.

Two of the defendants, including Dalima Palmer, 25, of Dumfries, Va., who was nine months pregnant during the incident and ultimately needed an emergency C-section following the brawl, along with her fiancé Musa Seisay, 25, of Garrisonville, Md., were found guilty of second-degree assault in February and were sentenced to 30 days in jail. Abdul Kargbo, 25, of Woodbridge, Va., was found guilty of disorderly conduct in February and was also sentenced to 30 days. A fourth defendant, Saidu Kargbo, 21, of Woodbridge, was found guilty of second-degree assault and was fined and placed on supervised probation.

Attorney Bruce Johnson, who represents Palmer and Seisay, this week filed appeals on behalf of his clients and their cases will now be heard again in Worcester County Circuit Court in front of a jury. Abdul Kargbo has a reconsideration hearing set for District Court in Ocean City on March 19. Saidu Kargbo, who did not receive any jail time, has not filed for an appeal or reconsideration hearing.



  1. How is this being paid for? Are their attorney fees being paid for by the taxpayers?

  2. Who care, if you bothered to read the bio, these people were actually honor students who had never been in trouble before.
    Good for them, to stand up for themselves.

  3. Probably the best move. The whole story is hokey...

  4. Can we pay to have their a**es kicked again...I'd rather have my money used for something useful.

  5. The guilty are having their legal fees picked up by public taxes.
    This is a no brainer, have you seen the video? These animals always get free leagle, free food, free housing,

  6. Honor students are just like everyone else;only as good as the worst thing they ever did.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Who care, if you bothered to read the bio, these people were actually honor students who had never been in trouble before.
    Good for them, to stand up for themselves.

    March 7, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    Well lookie here it's our resident cop hating Troll rearing his ugly head!!

  8. It was a setup all the way. They had a plan and they lost their gamble. A couple of them got 30 days in the Snow Hill Hilton. They are very lucky that's all they got.

  9. I was there and saw the mayhemMarch 8, 2014 at 8:48 AM

    Another welfare breeder and her cronies. Hopefully the jury will find them guilty again and the judge will have the option to increase their jail time and impose a hefty fine for this waste of taxpayer funds.

  10. When you act like an animal you don't get respect. I wish they would receive stiffer penalties on the appeal than their original trial.


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